Chapter 14

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After they heard the gunshot, they immediately searched the room for the possible culprit. The petite girl who Klaudius saw earlier was nowhere to be found.

The screams and cries of other students filled the room.

"Why is there always a crime, huh? Can't we experience a normal and peaceful life?" a girl asked while wiping her tears

"No, this is our normal life here so better get used to it" Anwen Honse replied while removing her mask "I guess this ball is over then" she and her squad exited the venue already while the others sat on their chairs, dumfounded.

Klaudius searched the place and his forehead creased when he saw a dead body almost falling on the janitor's closet. The killer must have been in a hurry

He walked towards it and saw familiar codes written with blood on the door

"I saw this somewhere but I couldn't remember their equivalents" he sighed in disbelief and contacted Irene for help

"I'm in the janitor's closet, I found the dead body"

"Okay, I will be right there in a minute"

He walked and bit his nails trying to remember the code. Irene came and immediately checked the corpse

"Look at these codes, do they seem familiar to you I thought it is morse code but I was wrong."

"I don't know either, let's ask her roommate for information about her, maybe it could help." She took a picture and headed out.

They went to Drayfia and her roommate's room. A cheerful girl greeted them and invited them inside.

"Hi! You must be Klaudius and Irene, right? I'm Jean cooper" the girl said with a smile

"Oh hi, we just want to ask you more information about your roommate if that's okay with you"

"Of course! Why wouldn't it be?" Jean seemed confused

"I mean it's your roommate who died earlier," Irene said with a sad voice

"R-really? I-I d-didn't know Oh My God!" she lowered her head

On the other hand, Klaudius is not amused by her acting, it's obvious that she knew what happened and is pretending no to know about it and why is that

"Can we ask some questions now?"


"So, what's her hobbies and interest?" Klaudius ask while Irene took out her paper.

"Um, she likes to sleep, watch series, play board games."

"Is that all?" He raised a brow at her.

"Yes, that's all we're not close but I heard she likes to gamble"

This took Irene's attention and jotted it down on her notes.

"Thank you for your time Jean and we're sorry for what happened, we will investigate thoroughly" Irene reassured her.

"G-good luck!" Jean tried to sound cheerful and waved at them

"That Jean girl is surely suspicious" Klaudius started

"And we will find out if your hunch is true, I think I know what decipher Drayfia used" she smirked.

They sat down in the cafeteria and studied the code. Irene began to decode while Klaudius is just eating.

"How do you know that it is dice decipher though?"

"It's just a hunch, but when I heard she likes to gamble dice decipher quickly popped out in my mind."

Irene didn't move an inch trying to concentrate on what she is doing while Klaudius ordered something for them.


"Huh?" he also asked her "What IEAN?"

"That's what I decoded" she stated matter of factly

"Oh, and that's close to Jean though" he bit his cupcake "But, why IEAN? Maybe you made a mistake with letter J?"

Irene bit her lips trying to remember all the letters in the decipher. She groaned in frustration IEAN just doesn't make sense but it's close to Jean and they are sure Jean did it they just need to prove it.

After minutes of thinking, she opened her eyes "What is it" he asked.

"The J and I in dice decipher shared the same code, thus it can form IEAN or JEAN" Klaudius nodded "I know it's her all along!"

But before Irene could react they saw Jean standing in front of them.

"I need to tell you guys something"

She grabbed them and they went to a secluded area.

"What is it? We already know you are the culprit! Don't pretend anymore."

Jean faced them "Did you know why I did it?"

The two looked at each other, their forehead creased "And what is your reason, huh?"

"I did it in order for me to survive and graduate."

Their eyes widened in shock "What? You're bluffing, right? What nonsense is that?"

"It's up to you two if you will trust me or not, but I swear to you, it's true," she said almost

pleading while tears are streaming down her eyes.

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