Chapter 4

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It is a new day at school, even though it's just the second week, I have befriended almost all my classmates, even reached the students from the other sections but I don't know if they're all being genuine. I don't want drama, I'm fed up with all of that in my old school. The bell rang signaling that it is break time already, my friends grabbed my arm and pulled me to the cafeteria.

"I'll order for you Jean, what do you like? My treat." my friend asked. I met her while I was strolling and saw her on the ground with a bruise. I helped her because my conscience can't handle leaving her alone hurting. Since then, she always follows me around and proclaimed herself as my best friend.

"Thanks! I'd like to have a pizza." I smiled at her and quickly took a seat.

I just took a seat when somebody took me by the arm "Hey, why are you here in our table, were you not informed that this is our territory?!"

I am confused and shocked "The last time I checked, nobody owned this chair and table. Why, do you have your name imprinted on it?" I tried to calm myself and smile as genuinely as I can but I failed.

"Oh, what a feisty little one huh?" she let out a chuckle and turned to her friends than to me.

"I like you, what's your name?" she smirked.

I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out of my mouth. I'm still shocked, about how she acted.

"I'm Jean Cooper" still confused at our current situation.

"I'm Anwen Honse. By the way, if you're wondering. I like you because you are not like those cowards." Her eyes shooting daggers at the girls 10 meters away from us. Well, I got to go so, see you around I guess?" she waved and smiled curtly.

I sat down, still fazed on what happened "Are you okay? I saw what happened! I thought that Anwen hurt you!" she asked worriedly.

"No, no, I'm fine" I tried to reassure her but the worry is still evident on her face "Let's just eat, shall we?" she nodded and we converse again normally.

After our break, our last period quickly started. Since I started studying in this school, the Special Arts subject caught my attention. "For today's activity, it will include all the sections in this academy," murmurs and mumbles were heard. Since our section was the first one to arrive, we waited for the other sections to come. One by one, the place was filled with all the students. I don't know but their aura is too strong, almost frightening.

"Our activity is simple, just like in the games of the general, each section has to choose one person who will be the flag of their team. The chosen student will have to hide a pin that has a symbol flag to justify that they are truly the flag. All you have to do is to catch the flag by stealing their pin. You can do whatever strategy you could think of but for this activity, usage of any weapons is prohibited. It will be Silvia vs. Fhaliah and Quinilla vs. Hellviana." The atmosphere became very serious, some are almost glaring at their opponents, while others are very relaxed.

Each section assigned their flags already "Jean, I assign you to be our flag, do your best to protect the pin." But before I could complain, our teacher quickly shouted "So, what are you all waiting for? You can start now!"

After our teacher explained, the students began to attack their opponents strategically. I panicked and began to join the ones in the middle. I tried to act as calmly as I can so that I will not be noticed. I decided to observe first before I make a move. I noticed that some guy from the other section is quietly sitting on the ground as his head rested on his arms. I was about to approach him when he spoke.

"I don't have the pin, leave me alone." without even looking at me.

I blinked and nodded. I am contemplating whether or not I should also sleep and rest but I remembered that I am the flag so I decided to leave the boy alone.

Minutes had passed but not a single person even suspected that I'm the flag. I walked through the field, still keeping the act that I'm not the flag when someone bumped into me.

"Sorry," he muttered quickly.

I shrugged and continued walking. I heard a whistle from our teacher and we quickly gathered in the center.

"Let me see if you all managed to protect your pin or managed to steal your opponent's pin" I smiled triumphantly tsk, this is not thrilling at all I thought as I shook my head. My face turned pale when a familiar figure passed our pin to our teacher.

"Oh, so Quinilla won against Hellviana huh?" What?! Don't tell me- he took my pin when he bumped into me! That's why he's familiar!

"Sir, this is our pin." his voice is a bit different wait, I think that's another person, I can tell from the voice. I'm certain about it. I searched the crowd and saw another person that looks exactly like him. Maybe his twin?

"Wow! You managed to protect your pin while stealing your opponent's pin! Good Job!" Sir Zig was very impressed. I am responsible for this! If not because of my carelessness, it would be a tie!

"Silvia and Fhaliah are both able to steal each other's pin so it's a tie!" Sir Zig announced. So, the only section that has no point is Hellviana huh?

My classmates quickly went to me and comforted me "There is a next time, don't worry!" "That's just pure luck! Don't be too depressed" I inhaled and raised my head again, now smiling. But I knew better, I should've stepped up my game if they're going to play dirty.

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