Belleza Negra

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Anika Jones

Rating: Fluff

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Rating: Fluff

Fandom: on my block

length: Short


"Ow! That hurts Ana"

"Well if you would stop moving, it wouldn't hurt so much" Anika retorted. She was sitting at the kitchen table in her boyfriend's house. The muscular man was sitting between her legs with his head leaning against her.

The couple had been together since freshman year of high school. She watched as the young boy with hopes and dreams slowly become crushed and corrupted by the harsh reality of life. From a young age, Oscar had to take care of his younger brother and become the parents they never had.

Anika admired Oscar for this, it wasn't easy being a parent when you were still a child.

It made her appreciate her parents a little bit more.

"O, you know how I hate seeing you like this. I know it's hard and unfair of me to ask you to just up and leave this life behind, but can you promise to take it slow? I can't take the news of ever finding out that something worse has happened to you." Anika stopped her sewing movements and rubbed his head softly.

Oscar grabbed her thick thigh and started to slowly stroke it. " I know carino I'm trying, I really am. I know how you can get it and I don't like to worry about you. But dude got all up in my face and you know I can't have that."

Anika scoffed and smirked before applying ointment and a bandage to the wound on the side of his head. " Boy doesn't get cute, everyone on the block knows who starts and ends the fights around here. You have quite the reputation Mr.spooky ."

Oscar grinned and turned around in her lap, he put both of his arms around both sides of the chair she was sitting in and leaned closer to her face," then you have to teach me the rules mama."

"I think that can be arranged ." Anika grabbed Oscar by his face and laced her plump lips with his. They both swirled their tongues inside each other's mouths. Oscar was trying to obtain the advantage however Anika won the battle.

Oscar began to trail his kisses down her neck but was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

"I'm home!!!"

Anika's eyes shot open and she quickly pushed off Oscar.

Oscar's little brother Caesar walked into the room that they were in. Anika got up from her seat and went to hug the little cholo. " How was school today?"

"It was the same old same old, nothing new. Just the teacher telling us how we will never amount to anything in life after we graduate." Caesar explain

Anika shook her head, she knew what he was talking about. The schooling system has always been discriminative toward people of color.

" Well don't you worry Caesar, I know you are destined for great things."

"Thanks, Ana, I'm gonna go I can see that you two were busy." With that Caesar walked out of the kitchen and back outside.

Watching the door close, Anika felt two arms loop around her waist and a head nuzzled in her neck.

"Oh my gosh! you are such a horn dog" She laughed out feeling the soft kisses once again on her neck.

"C'mon baby, I think we have some unfinished business to attend to" Oscar slid his hand down and grabbed a handful of her ass

"Oh is that right?" She teased while slowly backing up in the direction of their bedroom.

"Yes ma'am"

"Let's see if you can keep up" Anika giggled and made a dash to the room.

"Oh, sweetheart I'm right behind you" Oscar quickly chased after her.

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