Soldier Boy

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Fandom: Original Length: short----------------------

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Fandom: Original
Length: short

It was around 7 pm when Tanya decided to finally get up and prepare dinner. She hadn't eaten all day due to her working from home. Normally she would have gone to the office today, but she was expecting a video call from her fiance Chris who was currently deployed overseas. 

Getting up from the bed, she grabbed her laptop and headed to the kitchen. She placed the laptop on the marble counter and walked to the refrigerator.

It seemed like a steak and loaded potato kind of night. She was about to pull the steaks out until the beep of her phone caught her attention. Reaching around to grab her phone, Tanya pulled the small rectangular object up from her pants pocket.

The screen was lit up to show, that she had received a text.

Hubby<3 <3

Sorry honey, but I can't  Skype tonight......

Tanya frowned as her eyes followed the black text on her phone. She had to think about something to say back to him. Even though she wanted to tell him how disappointed she was, she didn't want Chris to feel bad.

It's ok baby... I'll catch you next time  

Tanya hit the send button on her phone before sitting it back down, then she moved back to the counter to continue cutting up her garlic and onions. Getting into contact with Chris has always been a little frustrating. The couple had been together since Chris first enlisted.

It was last summer when Chris finally decided to propose to Tanya. They both agreed to begin planning the wedding after he finishes his tour, which is supposed to be in a couple of months. She just hoped that by the time he returned home, he didn't change his mind and want to push back the date further.

A knock at the door snapped Tanya out-train thought. Who the hell was at her door this late, sure it was only 7, but most people don't visit someone's house after 5 unless they were friends or family. 

Tanya wiped her hands on the dishtowel next to her and walked into the living room to the front door. Raising on her tip-toes, she looked through the peep-hole but frowned when she still couldn't make out who was there.

"Who is it?" she yelled at the door.

"I have a Special delivery package for a Tanya Clark that needs signing. " The deep voice yelled back

'Special delivery package...?' Tanya mumbled to herself, she didn't remember ordering anything offline. " Who's it from?"

There was a small silence before the man spoke again, "Ummm it says it's from a Christopher Brooks."

Tanya's eyes lit up as she gasped at the name, quickly she unlocked the door and rushed to pull it open. 

"Miss me?"

Tanya screamed once she opened the door to reveal her fiancee. Standing there in all his glory was army man Chris Brooks holding a bouquet. Tanya ran and threw her arms around his neck and pulled herself up into his strong arms.

"I can't believe you are here right now!" She squealed into his broad chest. Chris kissed her forehead as they rocked from side to side," I know baby, I know."

Tanya sniffled and wiped the few tears that fell away from her eyes and adjusted herself before moving back. " Well get your ass in here so you can tell me what you're doing here so early"

Chris smiled and leaned down to grab his bags," Yes ma'am ." 

The pair moved back into the apartment after shutting the front door. Chris dropped his bags down by the couch and inhaled deeply, " what's that smell? You cooking something?"

Tanya looked back at him on her way back to the kitchen," Steak and potatoes, you want some?"

"As long as you promise to give me dessert after" He shot back at her.

Tanya felt her cheeks get hot as a wave of tingling sensations was sent toward her lower region. " I think that can be arranged. Or we can skip dinner all together can have dessert first?"

Chris brought his hand to scratch the back of his head, and smirked" I think that can be arranged."

Tanya slowly turned around and walked to the bedroom, making sure to sway her hips from side to side. " Don't keep me waiting soldier boy!"

Chris chuckled and shook his. He quickly stepped out of his shoes and pulled the shirt he was wearing off while walking toward to bedroom.

This was going to be a long night......


So here's another update for you guys! Hoped you liked it, I know it was short but I just wanted to give you guys a cute short update because it feels like it's been a minute since I've updated minus the author's note.

Also, I've been having the hots for Bradley Cooper lately so this was the product of that.

Anyway love you guys, and stay safe out there!

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