08 | You are stalking me

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"So what's the plan?" I asked Leo, making myself as comfortable as I could get in the hard plastic chair.

"You tell me how to take Avery out, and I'll tell you how to get closer to Al."

"Okay. So I can help you set up a date. This weekend?"

"Yeah, this weekend's okay."

"I'll set everything up and tell you."

I still have no idea what I was doing, but I had watched enough romantic movies, so that was that.

"Come to think of it," I said with a frown. "Why did Avery seem to be made at you last weekend?"

"Oh that." Leo smiled sheepishly. "I kind of pranked her."

"What did you do?"

"I gave her a candied apple."

"How is that a prank?"

"It wasn't an apple. It was an onion."

"That's gross."

"I know."

"I do have to admit, that's a good one. Gross, but good."

Leo stood up and gave me a mock bow, taking of his invisible hat while doing so.

"You do know that its bad for you though, right?"

"Right," he groaned, as he sat on the chair with a grave expression.

"What's her favourite food?"

"Anything chocolate," he answered almost automatically. I have to admit, that was impressive.

"Take her out somewhere and treat her then."

"You think she'd willingly go out with me to eat?" He scoffed, then groaned in realisation.

"You prank her that often?"

"No, but she really hated that onion."

I gave him a pointed look and sighed. This was going to take more work than I thought.

"Well ask her again. She might say yes. And no pranking this time."

"I'll try."

"And what about your end of the deal?"

"I'll tell you where Al works on weekends."

Leo grinned at me, and I mirrored his expression, a mischevious gleam in our eyes as we imagined the success of our plans.


Or not.

It wasn't as easy as I thought. My plans sound and go so much better in my head. Outside of it, there's no telling what would happen except the said plan not working out.

I grumbled as I stood dressed up in the most flattering causual outfit I had found from the depths of my suitcase. It had been a busy couple of weeks and I found that unpacking was a hassle I'd rather not commit myself to at the moment. Besides, the one bedroom apartment with its grey walls and plain furniture didn't feel like home. I had a sickening feeling it never would.

I had in the past fifteen minutes checked my hair more than a couple of times. At this rate, the sun would set before I did anything.

As I had promised to Leo, I set up a date with Avery. It was surprisingly easy, though she seemed to take it more as friends hanging out rather than a date. Which explains why it went so smoothly.

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