22 | Match made in hell

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I arrived at the heathrow airport in London sometime in the evening, slightly jet lagged and completely anxious. It had only been a few months, but I had really missed England. My phone rang as I made my way out of the airport, dragging the suitcase behind me.

Deon's unflattering nickname flashed on the screen and I took the call.

"Hello there, goldilocks."

"You seriously went to England? Alone? Livia I know that this is something you have to do, but you could at least tell me."

"Fine, sorry."

"You don't even sound a bit sorry."

"Uh... I'm not?"

A loud sigh was heard on the other end, followed by silence.

"Just tell me if anything happens."

"I'll call. Now go back to your signing. Isn't it about time it started?"

"Fuck, I'm late."

I laughed, hanging up as Deon spit out profanities at himself for getting late and making his fans wait.

I let out a sigh as I made my way out of the airport. I was feeling sluggish so I decided to get a taxi to some hotel. It was a better alternative to going home. There was also the chance that I may get lost.

With the newfound resolve I was scanning the busy streets for a taxi, when my a very familiar black mustang caught my eye.

Was that?

It was similar to the car Mr. Lin always drove around to pick Tyler and I from school when we were younger. Of course, there were many cars similar to it, but it gave a similar vibe, if that made any sense.

Shaking my head, I waved my hand in hopes of catching the attention of a taxi. Twenty minutes later, I had to admit that I was definately bad at this. The sky was getting darker, and seeing the red fade away into blue and black made me think of piano practice. We would usually start around this time, and by now I would be bugging Alan to play.

The thought brought a smile on my face, and I was lost in my thoughts when a car honk knocked me out of my daydream.

The black mustang had driven up so that it was directly infront of me, and out of it came a very calm butler.

"Mr. Lin, what are you doing here?"

"Miss I'm terribly sorry, I made you wait."

"No, its fine. I was just waiting for a taxi to come by."

"Oh good heavens, no. Why, miss?"

"Uh..to go to a hotel?" I replied, although it came out as more of a question.

"No, you mustn't miss. Please come home."

"Mr. Lin," I said and paused. As touched as I was that he wanted me to go home, there was no way I would go there. "I can't. I'm not welcome there anymore."

"Miss.." the old butler trailed off, looking at me with pity filled in his eyes.

"But you will be there for the hearing, miss?"

"Yeah, its tommorow morning isn't it?"

"Yes, 8 am."

"I'll be on my way then. I have to catch a taxi."

"Miss Livia, please, let me take you to the hotel."

"I appreciate the thought, but others would hardly be pleased. And the last thing I want to do is cause you any trouble."

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