30 | A confession

14 3 7


I woke to the sound of countless notifications from my phone. Groaning, I glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand.

5: 45 am.

I had woken up before my alarm went off. That was the record of the whole decade.

As soon as I was going to celebrate the record-breaking fact, someone started ringing the doorbell annoyingly.

I really didn't want murder on my hands but these ding dong ditching kids weren't making things easy.

Go away.

Go the heck away, you brats.

Maybe if I waited a while they'd eventually get tired and go.

Long story short, they didn't.

I groaned, reluctantly pulling the covers off myself. I shivered at the sudden coldness and immediately missed the comfort and warmth it provided. Those ding-dong-dicthers had been at it a lot lately, and I grew annoyed each time they did so. With a glare, I took the nerf gun Tyler and I used to fight with all the time back in highschool. I had brought it with me on impulse, but I guess it would have it's moment to shine.

I pushed the door open after unlocking it, squinting at the figure before proceeding to warn them.

"I don't care what it is for, or whoever you are." I positioned the nerf gun so that it was pointing at the figure. "but I will shoot you if you're going to continue to disturb me."

"Even if it's your best friend?"

"Even if it's my-" I stopped mid-sentence, blinking several times and allowing my vision to be clear. As the figure became clear, I grinned.


I flung myself at him in a tight hug, grinning from ear to ear, my previous mood long forgotten.

"You know you're stabbing me with that nerf gun, don't you?" Deon grunted.

"Of course I do. You should've come sooner, goldilocks." I pulled away from him and smirked.

"I thought you were gonna shoot me."
He laughed.

I shrugged. "I changed my mind."

I walked in and he followed until we reached the couch.

"You do realise that stabbing is more messy and leaves more evidence."

"Yes yes. You'd know, considering the new story you wrote."

"You've read it?" He grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. They never failed to do that any time he got a read, or a positive review. Adding his blond hair to that, it was no mystery why girls went crazy for him.

"I'm your no.1 reader. Of course I did."

"Aww, that's so sweet. Did you miss me that-"

"Where are my chocolates?" I demanded.

"I missed you too," he said as he handed a box to me, taking a seat next to me

"So how have you been?"


"Good. How was your ex-girlfriend? Did she find you?"

"We ended things."

"She's your ex," I raised a brow.

"We ended things for sure this time."

"You and your crazy exes." I rolled my eyes.

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