21 | Raindrops

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We have nothing to talk about.

"Give me my keys," I managed to say calmly, and I praised myself for the fact that my voice didn't quiver.

Tyler held them even further away from me, and he stared impassively without a word.

"Livia," he said, sighing, "we need to talk."

"No, we don't."


"You made it perfectly clear, so just leave."

He sighed in what I hoped was defeat and glanced around the hallway. "How are you living here?"


"No I mean with the expenses."

"Dad- Mr. Walter had put money in my account for college."

"Sounds like something dad would do." Tyler smiled bitterly. "And Liv, you don't have to call him that. He's your dad too."

"Mr. Walter gave me everything, more than I could have ever asked for, and I.... I got ahead of myself, thinking that I could be his family."

"I didn't mean-" he sighed, shaking his head. "Aunt Matilda had told me things about you and I wouldn't normally believe her but.." he trailed off, his thoughts probably going back to the night of the accident.

"But you did. You did." I repeated. "I know why you're here."

"You do?" His brows shot up at my remark.

"Yeah. Its about da- Mr. Walter's will, isn't it?"

"Well, partly, yes."

I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

"Don't worry, I won't take anything from you, or him."

"Its on Thursday. Thursday night at 8. Everyone will be there. Dad requested it that way."

"I'll be there. But I'm not taking anything."


"Leave. You made it clear that you don't want anything to do with me and I'm trying so please don't make it hard for me."

Tyler didn't respond, choosing to stare at me instead, observing my moves.

"I won't take anything, and I'll be there at the hearing to tell everyone that."

I held out my hand, silently demanding him to give back my keys.


"Please. Just leave."

I wanted him to stay, the night dad had died. The day he left after hurling hurtful words at me. Words filled with such hatred that it was hard to believe they had come from him.

And I wanted him to believe me. After all the years we've been a family, I had expected that he would have more faith in me.

Yet, despite all my hopes he didn't. He didn't stay to listen to me, nor did he give me the benefit of doubt. Tyler simply didn't.

And that's why, when he left without a word after I had asked him to, it didn't surprise me. All this time, I was living in a fantasy when in reality, Tyler had never considered me his family.

I stayed standing beside the door until I heard the sound of his footsteps fade away. After I was sure he had left, I stared at the keys in my hand. I didn't want to go in. Tyler being here made it more clear that it wasn't really my home. My home was in England, with dad and Tyler. With butler Lin and our pranks. With dad's horrible attempts at playing the piano and his jokes.

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