what to do with a drunk kakashi

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kirai's point of view.

bloody fucking hell.

i rubbed 'my' temples in an attempt to control the boiling headache that raged through my mind.

fucking hell.

"SHUT UP KAKASHI!" the copy-cat nin didn't care, not that be could with all that popcorn in his hair.

"sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everywhere~" he danced to a imaginary tune, shaking his hips and thrusting 'to the beat'.

"KAKASHI! CONTROL YOURSELF!" kakashi turned his head to me and started to cry.

"WHAAAAAAA!" it's like taking care of mika all over again.

"shut up Kakashi."




"would you like some ice-cream?"





"well, go get dressed and i'll take you to get some." he nodded and started grabbing all his clothes that he had taken off. a few minutes later, he came out of the bedroom with mismatched socks, inside out pants, back-to-front shirt and, in a attempt to comb his hair, a comb stuck in his hair.

"bloody hell kakashi, bloody hell."

"ice-cream~" he chirped. no way in heaven am i going out with that... thing. i dragged him into the bathroom.


'NO FUCKING ICE-CREAM UNTIL YOUR CLEAN!' i wanted to scream, but if my experience with mika taught me anything, you scream. they scream.

"we can't go for ice-cream until your clean." i gave him a towel.

"now strip and wait beside the bath." i walked towards the bath and filled it with water.

"bubbles. every bath needs bubbles." i threw in some strawberry bubble bath mix, soon, bubbles were overflowing the bath.


"BUNGEEE!" he cannonballed right into the bath water.

"i am not cleaning that." i mumbled, and rolled up mika's dress.



after episodes of kakashi screaming and me trying to get a grown man into his boxers, we were ready to go.

"kakashi, we have to were sunglasses."


"so none can see us."

"not use hengie?"

fucking hell. henge-no-fucking-jutsu."

"yeah... lets go with that." i 'henged' him into a five-year old boy and myself into a middle-aged man.

"let's go." grabbing keys, wallet and kakashi. but now he wouldn't move."

"thirsty~" i grabbed a bottle of whatever and stuck it in his mouth.

"drink it all down kakashi. drink it ALL" he greedily gulped every drop and ran to the door.


eyes livid, i turned over the bottle. VODKA displayed in bold letters on the front.


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