body substitute. the perfect replica of me. (chapter eleven.)

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sasuke's point of view.

i remained silent in the shadows. i already was bored. i decided to watch the new girl's fight. she was dodging all kiba's moves. he face had a pure look of boredom as she dodged his last attack. i closed my eyes as she sat onto of kiba.

"give up?" she asked.

"mmmmmmmmfffffhhhhh!" screamed kiba.

"okay, akamaru come here!" the white ninkin was scooped up from padding towards his master.

"arrrrrrroooooooooooowww!" howled the unhappy white ninkin, who was determined to get to his master.


"there, there aka-chan!" she soothed.

"your old master lost, so i'm your new mistress!" kiba got up.


"do you wanna play again?"


"then why do you want aka-chan? he's mine." kiba thought for a minute.

"I'LL PLAY THE PENALTY GAME!" he shouted to a retreating figure.

"MIKA!" she sighed.

"fine," she whipped around and pecked kiba on the lips.

"penalty game. i get to hypnotise you!" she smiled, petting akamaru.

"whaaa! why is there ten akamaru's? wait... twenty... no" mika smiled evilly.

"penalty game 07. illusion of heart, you are to visualize something that you love the most... akamaru!" she left the panicking inuzuka on the ground. i mentally smiled. she would be a good opponent, a mild warm-up before i kill itachi. i walked up to the silver haired girl.

"fight me..." to my suprise she smiled.

"okay!" she lowered akamaru to the ground and stood to face towards me, hands on hips.

"what do i get if i win?" i didn't think of that.


"anything?" i growled.

"anything... now fight me." she padded towards me.

"you wanna go easy?" i shook my head.

"fight seriously." she shook her head.

"i don't fight seriously," she smiled. i activated my sharingan.

"then die..."she dodge my attack.

"fire release: great fireball technique." i put my hands to my lips and blew. a giant fireball came out, ready to scorch mika but she disappeared. i looked around. not up, not behind... i directed my fireball underneath me.

"awww! did you miss me?" i whirled around to see mika smiling.

"what pretty eyes you have there..." she disappeared.

"mind if i copy that?" she darted forward and planted a kiss on my lips. i warmed on contact.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SASUKE!" an annoying pink blob screeched and a another blonde blob pounced on me.

"sasuke-kun, are you alright?" i realised i didn't wipe off the kiss. i reached up and was about to rub it off.

"look at me iruka! i have sparkly eyes to!" she danced around with the sharingan. i aimed another fire ball at her back. it hit.

"MIKA!" someone screamed as blood splattered everywhere.

"did you miss me as well, kiba-kun?" i turned towards the voice. mika jumped down from her perch ontop of iruka-sensei's head.

"you're quite light," remarked iruka-sensei.

"thank you iruka." she picked up the body-less head.

"body substitute, a perfect replica of a real body..." she rubbed her cheek on the head's cheek.

"that is until..." the body exploded like grains of sand leaving mika with a bloody cheek.

"it has dispersed into the remains of the galaxy... shame isn't it?" i charged towards her, puffing out fireballs. she dodged every... single... one.

"wind release: air current wild dance..." i was whipped off my feet and landed on my back. she planted a foot on my stomache.

"i win..." she smiled. i growled.

"my prize is..." she kissed me again.

"mmmmmmm...." she licked her lips.

"tuna sandwich..." i blushed. that was my lunch that i just had. i pushed her off and ran the rest of the way to class.


arrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!! i just realised that i got ALL of the naruto facts WWRRROOOONNNNGGGGG!!!! for one, sasuke doesn't get his sharingan until he fights zabuza, i think.... OH NO!!! I'M NOT THE NARUTARD I THOUGHT I WAS!!! :( SADDENING BUT TRUE!!!

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