annoying the hell outta iruka is so much fun! (chapter twenty one)

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mika's point of view.

during class i tuned out. i couldn't really talk to naruto since he ki*cough* sasuke, i made a scene about it and had to save his butt. now... back to class. i sighed. i don't really care since i can absorb all the info after class. i started thinking about the fight with mizuki.

FLASH-BACK. (note: the bold part is kirai and the normal font is mika)

"because the real demon just came in...." mizuki looked at me and burst out laughing.

"a girl? you got to be kidding!" i felt kirai smile with me.

kirai? he nodded.

show him. tree roots, grass, water... whatever there was wrapped around into a coccon around me. there i could change. i felt my charkra pulse and my skin slowly peel off.

but not skin at all.

bandages thickened into chains as the coccon fell.

plain and simple.

he needs to suffer. kirai thought for a moment.

you have a sudden thirst? i nodded.

suffer. i made a slight movement with my hand and one end of the chain sliced the tree.

suffer... the chains wrapped themselves around mizuki giving him a painful squeeze.

suffer... as mizuki gulped down his last breaths he muttered one word.

"monster..." i heard that before.

ah yes...

i'm a monster.

before he died i released him from my hold and let kirai take over.


he will suffer.

not by my hands,

by naruto.


"MIKA!" i jolted from the day dream as kiba was shaking me violently. i can't believe he still wants to sit next to me.

"whhaaa *yawns* is it kiba-kuun~" i mewed rubbing my eyes. he turned pink and pointed to iruka.

"he's going to annouce the teams." i placed my feet on my table and leaned back. i think i'll find mr bug and neji...

"MIKA!" i glared at iruka and he tried not to notice i was younger and scarier!

"feet off the table." i placed them back down, when he turned around i put them a centimeter from being on the table.

"mika? feet off the table" i grinned.

"they are off the table iruka" a series of 'ooh's and 'ahh's went around.

"MIKA!" i disappeared under the table and looked at him meekly.

"i'm going to tell daddy that you scared me..." i whined making him gulp.

"whatever... anyway we tried to make the teams as balanced as possible," i leaned to shika-kun.

"do you think we're allowed to switch?" he sniggered... unfourtunatly... iruka-baka heard.

"AND NO SWITCHING!" i banged my head on shika-kun's table (since he's behind me) and fell off my chair... and who wouldn't bleed after that!?

"iruka~" i whined as kiba tried his best to patch me up. iruka slapped himself in the face.

thanks kirai!

always fun to mess with someone.


"and now is team 7" i was half asleep...



"naruto uzumaki..."

i am now awake

"mika hatake." me and naruto cheered.

"sakura hanuro."naruto had hearts in his eyes as i tried to fall down the stairs...

'sasuke uchiha." naruto joined me in falling down the stairs but i had matured from that and tried to commit suicide with a kunai. 

"IRUKA-SENEI!" naruto shouted.

"WHY DOES AN OUTSTANDING SHINOBI LIKE ME HAVE TO BE ON THE SAME TEAM AS THAT PRICK OVER THERE!?" i managed to slice a bit of my neck since kiba and shika-kun were trying to stop me.

"naruto, sasuke's grades are second highest in the class and you were dead last."  sasuke raised his hand.

"yes sasuke?" 

"who's first." iruka rubbed his temples, i flashed a heart-melting smile at kiba-kun and shika and they... melted. you could see steam from their pink faces. 

"mika..." he rubbed his temples some more and i strode up to him.

"hey iruka?" he looked at me with an expression that said 'what?'

"does this hurt?" he gave me a 'wtf' look before he understood my meaning.

naruto's point of view. (to describe the scene)

"hey iruka." i looked up from my depressed state.

"does this hurt?" he gave her a 'wtf' look but got the meaning a second later...


got them!

mika had brought her foot crashing into iruka-sensei's manhood and sent him crashing into the wall. i'm not going to laugh. i'm not going to laugh...









mika's point of view.

naruto told me to keep sasuke busy while he talked to cherry head.

"sasuke~" he looked at me i had naruto hide as my bag, no wonder it was orange.

"hn." i threw him a paper bag. he opened it. he pulled out an ointment.

"your helping me." i showed him where i slice my neck. reluctantely he helped me. after he helped me i had to do what i had to. i popped the sleeping pill into my mouth but didn't swallow. this is for sasuke to swallow, not me.

"sasuke." he turned and i locked lips with him.

sasuke's point of view.

"sasuke." i turned to look at the silver haired cut... i mean girl... i was definately not going to say cute girl... i felt a warm pair of lips touch my own.

"mmmf!" i said in suprise as she tackled me down. her tounge started exploring. i felt a thick pill-shaped thing get shoved down my throat. i pulled away.

"wha..." i said sluggishly as i fell to the floor. the last bit i saw was mika pushing naruto through the window and saying she'll meet him tomorrow and that he has a few... minutes... till... this... wears... off...

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