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Hey guys! It's Kana, so recently I've learn about an online website that people call the "Nth Room". The people in the Nth Room would sexually abuse girls online, threaten them and blackmail the girls to send them explicit pictures and videos. The youngest victim we know is 11 years old. This is happening in South Korea, the government there is ignoring all the cries for help the poor females are sending out!

To help them, please go to this link and spread awareness!


After some other introduction of the school, the welcoming assembly finally ended.

Hayami and her class was led back to their class by Mr.Kei. Soon class was put into session.

To Hayami's surprise, Mr.Kei was a very patient man. Whenever a student need any help with the assessment, he could patiently explain everything to the student.

Hayami though, didn't have to much trouble guess the Tutor her father hired wasn't that bad. (Forgot his name-)

After class was over, Mr.Kei assigned them to research their family History (for the noble kids) or just the Kingdoms history (commoners or kids that don't want to research their family).

Hayami started making her way to her brothers class so that they could go together to lunch.

On her way their she met two other girls. "Hi! Do you know which room is the third year?" Hayami asked them. She decided to find her third brother first, who is in third grade.

In this school. Each grade is called year instead. Hayami is first year. Saburo and Takahiro is third year. Ichiro and Kosuke is fifth year.

"Oh my snickerdoodles! It's Hayami-Sama! The Hayami-Sama that's talking to us right now!" The Black haired gurl exclaimed, shaking the blue haired girl.

"C-Calm down Akane! Hayami-Sama asked us a question!" The blue haired girl exclaimed.

"Oh! Yes! Please follow me Hayami-Sama!" The girl name Akane exclaimed.

"Thank you." Hayami said to them as the two girls started leading her to the third year room.

"Oh, and may I get your names?" Hayami asked, she was really hoping to make some friends.

"Eeek! Hayami-Sama just asked for our name!!"  The blacked hair girl exclaimed, shaking the other girl again.

"Calm down! Sorry about her Hayami-Sama! I'm Emica Tsumugi, second child of the Tsumugi family! My father works under your father!" The blue haired girl answered Hayami with a bow.

"Greeting Hayami-Sama! I'm Akane Nozome! The youngest child of the Nozome family! My father also works with yours!" The blacked hair girl exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Well, hello Emica and Akane. I hope we can be friends." Hayami told them both was a smile.

And that my friends, is how the Hayami-Sama protection squad began

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And that my friends, is how the Hayami-Sama protection squad began...


Hayami is now two years into the school year, currently 9 yrs old!

Hayami, Emica, and Akane now grown very close, to the point where Hayami cleared out her whole schedule to make a new one to include her friends.

Moon Day (Monday) through Gold Day (Friday) is for school.

Earth Day (Saturday) is for her friends.

And Sun Day (Sunday) is for her family.

Hayami is now a third year, from the two years she spent in the school, Hayami has somehow gained a whole fan club!

Emica and Akane as the president, with her brothers as Vice President. Even the male leads and the prince is in it!

Hayami also made progress with the male leads, including the prince! She now can call them her close friends!

Except the Heroine seems to hate our Hayami... (Nah... Fook her, she's just a stoopid fool.)

Since the day Hayami appeared in her class, the heroine seems to be trying to make Hayami act like a fool...

And it seems like another girl also joined the heroine's side to (attempt) ruin Hayami's school life.

And like that, the school was turned into a battle field.

It was the Hayami Protection squad against the (Stupid idiot heroine that does heroin [Inspired by the comment thread created by Coolkid92007 ) Azumi Supporting Squad (djdheis- almost forgot her name-).

Of course, Hayami's army is wayyy stronger and wayyyy bigger than the stoopid heroine's.

No one bully's my child 😤👊

Anyways- back to the story-

Hayami sat in her seat, looking at her paper, working peacefully when suddenly, the Azumi approached her.

"Wow, the Hayami-Sama is still working on her paper? I though you were smart!" Azumi exclaimed loudly, catching everyone's attention.

Hayami sighed and looked up. 'Where's the nice heroine I was promised...' she thought as she processed to look Azumi up and down.

"Akane, and you grab her paper for me?" Hayami told Akane. Akane nodded and took the heroine's paper from the teacher's desk. She then handed it to Hayami.

"H-hey! What are you do with my paper?!" Azumi exclaimed.

Hayami ignored her and looked through the heroine's paper.

"You got number 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17, and 20 wrong. We only had 20 questions but you managed to get more than 50 percent of the question wrong and you're calling me stupid?" Hayami coldly replied before putting the paper down.

"Talk to me when you can finally forgive out what Phoenix beak, Caterpillar fur, and Angel tears combined together makes." Hayami finished. (This is because those three things combined together makes a heavens fire poison. A type of poison that makes you feel like your insides are burning if you commuted any type of sin. Phoenix beak = fire Caterpillar fur = the poison
Angel tears = heaven and your sins. This is the most basic poison that could easily be made and cured with halo dust <- cleanse sin)

"I- Yo-!"

Before the heroine could continue, the teacher stepped in the classroom.

"Miss. Azumi, sit down please."

Azumi's face was now as red as the red F in my grade.



HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! I'm sorry if I hurt any of you guys' feeling...

I thought I might as well do that for April fool's day!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the story!


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