Chapter 6. Me

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I don't want to sound weird, or clingy?

But i missed him.

After seeing him everyday for four days straight- also considering he's my only friend- it made me realize how boring my life is.

I already knew it was wasn't the best or whatever, but i used to prefer being home over being at school. Especially since my mom usually isn't home so i can relax.

Sunday i stay home and study because it's my usual routine, but i got bored of it. I could only think about him, is he okay? Is he having fun?

What if Jessica caught up with him and made him hate me already?


Walking outside on Monday, these same thoughts go through my mind. I've never see my group of bullies fail to turn someone against me.

"Good morning." My gaze shoots up to meet Taehyung's round beautiful eyes and i unconsciously smile. "Morning Tae."


Walking into school beside Tae gains more attention than i would've thought. Him being the most popular boy in school- even if he doesn't know it- really makes me stand out.

But i don't know if that's good or bad.

"I'll meet you at the same table at lunch?" He smiles at me, oblivious to all the eyes on us. Smiling i brush a piece of hair behind my ear and i nod.

He gives me a boxy smile before walking to his class. As his figure disappears into the building, more eyes fall on me, making me uneasy.

I keep my head down before heading to my own first hour.


Today no one seems to bother me, and at lunch Tae meets me as he had promised earlier. As soon as he sees me he smiles, taking the seat closest to me.

"Hey Tae Tae." I smile at him and his usual monster of a nacho which he set in front of me. "Hey," He sets his backpack on the table next to mine, "Help yourself."

I nod as a thank you before eating a chip. "Hey Taehyung!" Jessica takes the seat on the other side of him, stroking his arm as if it were a puppy.

"Hi Jessica." Is all he says, not even turning to look at her, keeping his eyes on his nacho. He casually takes a bite and smiles at me.

"I like your jacket-" "Oh!" He perks up and grabs his backpack, "That reminds me." He opens his bag and pulls out a beautiful orange hoodie.

Jessica smirks when she sees it, obviously thinking its for her. "This is the jacket i was telling you about," he turns back to me, "I accidentally got two for my birthday so i thought- since you liked the red one." He shrugs.

I can feel myself perk up when he hands it to me. Hugging it I smile, "Thank you, Tae." The familiar smell of his cologne fills my nose and i look down at the hoodie.

It has the tag on it.

"Tae," i can't help but let out a giggle, "Did you spray your cologne on this?" With that i can hear an annoyed squeal leave Jessica as she storms away.

"I did." For the first time in six years, a boys cheeks flush pink as his eyes stay on mine. But being the awkward teenage girl that i am, i look down before eating more nacho.


"I'll walk you to class," He skips to my side, throwing an arm around my shoulders, "Where's your class?" "I have Calculus next." I point down the hall in the direction on my class.

"Wow," He continues walking with me, "I knew you were smart but- wow." I roll my eyes laughing at him, "It's just a math class Tae.".

"Well considering that i barely passed geometry last year with a 60%-" he can't finish because im laughing too hard. "Are you bullying me?" He only smiles.

I shake my head and rub my face, "No!" I stop walking when we get to my class and he chuckles at me, "I'll see you after school, Winter."

I nod before going into class, red as a tomato. Finding my seat by the window, i hold my head in my hands, not knowing what to think anymore.

After a few minutes i take a pass to the restroom to change the jackets since i don't have a shirt on. Immediately after i throw the hoodie over my head, i look at myself in the mirror.

The large hoodie drapes over my small figure and i actually look cute. I put my hands in the pockets and breath in his cologne.

Out of all the girls at our school, he choose to be friends with me. He choose to give me his hoodies- take me to the pool party- to the museum.

Why me?

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