Chapter 9. Hurt

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I wake up with a smile still plastered on my face as i remember the events from last night. The memories play over and over like a beautiful song that gets stuck in your head.

Opening my eyes, i can see a happily sleeping Taehyung. His beautiful naked arms and legs draped over my bare body, he head on my chest.

I smile wider at how handsome he is in his sleep, my hand moving up to brush through his messy hair. He takes a deep breath and smiles, "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning, Tae." My cheeks heat up as his eyes open to meet mine. Before anything else can be said, he moves his hands to either side of me to support his weight as he slowly moves to connect our lips.

I feel like everything stop and moves in slow motion every time he kisses me, holds me-

Everytime he touches me.

Stars invade my vision as one of his hands moves to cup my face. Suddenly he pulls back though, sitting up and looking towards the hall.

My senses slowly come back to me and i can hear loud banging on the door. "I'll get it." I jump up and throw on his orange hoodie and some sweats.

I fix my hair before opening the door, "Can i help you?" I look up at the unfamiliar man in front of me.

He has short brown hair, brown eyes and olive skin. A small mustache sits above his lips and he has a few tattoo's that are exposed due to his white T-shirt.

"Where is he?" He pushes past me hitting my shoulder harshly, making me hiss a little, "Who?" I shut the door to turn to the mad man.

"My step son," he slurs, "That ungrateful-" he stops when Tae walks out, wearing only his sweats from yesterday, "Charles go home."

"Tae what-" "So i was right," 'Charles' cuts me off, "You didn't come home last night because you were here fucking around with the druggy?"

I can feel tears build up in my eyes at the damn nickname, but i can tell that Tae is more angry than me. "Don't call her that!" He pushes the man towards the door.

Charles gives him a death glare before throwing his hardest punch at him. His fist collides with Tae's chin, causing me to gasp, "Tae!"

I run to cup his face, wiping the blood from his lips, "Tae are you alright?" He doesn't say anything, his eyes focused on Charles who smiles accomplished in the corner.

"Your mother needs you." Charles snarls at us. "You better not have touched her-" "Well maybe if you weren't up here banging in a crack house-"

Tae takes a step towards him but i hold him back, terrified he'd go to jail if someone reported him, "Tae look at me," I grab his hands, "Tae please."

I can see his jaw tighten before he finally looks down at me, "Winter i have to go home now," He sighs, "Ill pick you up tomorrow."

I turn back to see that Charles left and turn back to peck Tae's lips, "Okay." He nods before walking out, not bothering to grab his things.

I watch as he rushes down the apartment stairs and i can hear him open and shut his apartment door.

I shut mine also.


I'm sitting outside waiting for Tae in my new jeans and new shoes, my makeup done nice and pretty for him to see-

But he isn't out yet.

I must've been waiting for half an hour now and not a sign from the guy. I keep telling myself that he's coming, but he never shows.


"Winter," He walks up to me smiling at lunch, "Why aren't you at the lunch table-" "Where were you this morning?" I look at him, not even trying to hide how upset I am.

"I'm sorry," he sighs, "My mom drove me this morning-" "And you couldn't take two seconds to tell me," i cut him off, "I waiting outside for over an hour- i showed up late to class, Tae."

I can see regret plastering his face, "I would've called but i don't know your home number and you don't have a mobile phone."

"Some of us don't have rich daddies Tae." I roll my eyes and grab my backpack. "Or daddies at all." He snaps back at me and i can't lie-

It hurt.

"You know what," I shake my head digging through my bag. I find the things he left at my house and throw them at him, "Maybe next time you fuck a girl you can at least-"

"What do you mean," he looks over me with a hurt expression, "Do you think that's all it was?" It's at this point when i notice all the eyes on us from around the cafeteria.

"Why else would a pretty boy want me?" I forcefully push past him, running into the hallway.

This is how it ends.

The typically teenage heart break!

Over the smallest argument that turns into the not so small argument.

The teenage boy everyone thought was so perfect gets the girl, gets tired of the girl and slowly lets go of the girl.

Except im to smart to fall for that shit. So instead i drop him before he can break my heart...


Isn't that how teenage romance works?

If i can avoid becoming the average teen girl then maybe i can avoid my own down fall- avoid making a full out of myself-

But why does it hurt so bad?

I've know the kid for two weeks, why does he have this control over me?

Why do i still want him?

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