Chapter 23. Convince her.

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Waking up in his arms never gets old. As soon as i open my eyes, my gaze meets his sleeping figure, his beautiful top half exposed so to the lack of blanket.

Sighing i pull the blanket up to cover him, not quiet sure if he's cold or not, "What," he scoffs, "Don't like what you see?"

A blush rises to my cheeks when i hear his voice, "Shut up," I roll my eyes, "I thought you might be cold." Chucking he opens his eye to face me, "Then come here."

His arms extend out toward me and i give in to them, wrapping mine around his torso as one of his goes around me shoulders.

"How was your birthday, my love?" His raspy morning voice calls out making me smile wider, "It was okay, i guess." I tease and i can hear his huff unimpressed.

"Okay?" He looks down at me, "That was not just 'okay'-" "I'm teasing baby," i giggle at his reaction and he rolls his eyes smiling, "It was the best day and night of my life."

"I'm not gonna lie," he closes his eyes, a smile still plastering his face,

"Mine too."


The idea of leaving makes me want to cry. After last nights events- i never want to leave! And thankfully Tae brought us stuff to make breakfast.

I push breakfast further and further into the day as an excuse to stay longer and he doesn't fight it.

Since we were up earlier than usual though, due to the exposed sunlight, we start cooking around nine-thirty ish. So not as late as i had thought.

"Babe give me a plate." I fry bacon over a fire stove Liam let us borrow. Tae hands me a paper plate and i set the cooked bacon on it.

"Mmm." Tae smells it, "Hey don't eat yet," i laugh, "Knowing you, you'll eat all but two pieces!" "Will not." He sounds offended but listens, setting the plate on the small picnic table in front of us.

"Now to cook the eggs," i look at them wearily, "How do i do this?" I sigh and crack an egg on the same pan i cooked the bacon on, using its grease as a non stick variable.

"You look like you've never cooked eggs." Tae chuckles grabbing his backpack. "I have," i laugh, "Just not over a fire. And where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower," He slides on his shoes, "I'll be back in like ten minutes." "Foods gonna be done by then," i sigh, "But more for me."

"Oh hush." He laughs before pecking my lips. "Don't take too long, please." He nods, making his way up the trail to the restroom- shower area.


Being alone in the woods isn't that bad.

I mean besides the wild animal noises, an occasion snapping of a twig-

I'm fine!

Thank god it doesn't last long though!

Before i know it Tae is walking back, a boxy smile plastered on his face a towel around his neck and nothing but grey sweats on.

"Hey, princess," He smiles sitting down next to me, "Did you save me some bacon?" Nodding i hand him the plate i made for him, "It might be cold now." "That's fine." He gladly takes the plate from me.

"You know, we should do this more often," I smile looking around, "I really like it out here." "It is beautiful."

As if on cue, several bird chirps can be heard throughout the forest, making us both smile, "We should come during winter-"

"Oh hell no," i laugh, "You trying to freeze us to death?" "We'll just need more blankets, and a smaller tent and bed." He chuckles scarfing down a piece of bacon wrapped in his sunny side egg.

"Maybe," i roll my eyes, "But i prefer spring time." He stands up to take out empty plates to the trash bin, "Of course your royal highness."

I only roll my eyes, knowing he's teasing. "We should start packing," he sighs, "I told Liam we'd be home by lunch."

"Why would you do that?" I groan and get up. He lets out a small snicker before helping me clean up our campsite.


"So," Nora helps us unpack the camp gear, "How was it?" She seems almost as giddy as me and i can't help blushing, "It was amazing."

"Ohhh," She teases looking around the corner at Tae who's talking with Liam, "So did you guys- ya know-" "Mom!" I toss a pillow at her, "Why do you want to know that?"

"Ha!" She points at me, "You did! I can tell- you're glowing!" She teased and i roll my eye blushing uncontrollably.

"Oh my god," she gasps, "Are you pregnant- am i gonna be a Nana?!" I laugh as i put my clothes in the hamper, "Mom im not pregnant."

"Oh," she lets out a defeated sigh, "That's a shame." "What," i look at her in shock, "You want you teenage daughter-" "Adult daughter." She corrects bringing my soaps to the shower.

I can't help laughing as she walks back in the room, "It would be nice to have a baby around," she smiles, "If you'll consider it."

"Mom i want to be married first," I sit on my chair swing, "And in our own house-" "What?" She gasps, "Then i wouldn't see him-or-her!"

"That's not true," i roll my eyes, "Just let me enjoy my early twenties-" "Oh mija i can't wait seven more years to be a grandma!"

"Who said anything about being grandparents?" Liam squints at Tae as he walks in behind him, sitting on the bed across from me.

"Mom did," i laugh, "I didn't do anything." "Convince her." Nora looks at Tae making me look up at him, "Excuse me," i scoff, "Have you two talked about this before?"

Taes eyes widen as Liam's grow narrower by the second. "Uh- i- help me out?" He looks at Nora defeated.

"It may have popped up in a few conversations before," She shrugs, "I just wanted to make sure you had a strong fertile man-"

"Oh my god get out of my room." I cover my face from embarrassment as ugly laughs escape my mouth. I can hear Nora whisper as she walks out-

"Talk to her."

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