A rainy day

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           Today had been like any other day for Ochako. She had gotten up the same way as always, and went about her morning routine. Luckily tho, today was a Saturday, which meant a break from classes and the ability to have some much needed personal time.

          Ochako's school, UA, was the most prestigious high school in Japan, as it offered the most diverse learning experience a student could hope to get. She was a senior now, and only had a few more months left of classes until she would be graduating, meaning that she was constantly busy.

         One thing her parents had been telling her non-stop was that she should find a boyfriend before her school days were over, that way when she graduated, she wouldn't be living on her own, since all her friends would be moving in with their significant others after graduation.

         Ochako thought about it as she walked to the bath house from the UA dorms. Do I really NEED a boyfriend? Sure it would be nice to have someone to spend some time with, or someone to cuddle with, or to watch scary movies that lead to cuddling with, but is it really a necessity?

         As she walked along, she looked up to the sky in search of any answer possible, just wanting some sort of hint. Instead, all she saw was the clouds above her, and only had one thing come to mind.

        "It's gonna rain." And that one thing made her think another. "It's gonna rain... and I don't have my umbrella! Aw crap. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get done and out before the rain picks up. Plus the bath house is just around the corner..." she sighed in defeat. "I'll just run back to UA real quick and grab it. Then I'm heading to the bath house and having a relaxing day!"

          Ochako then turned around and started the long trek back to UA. Atleast this will bring my amount of steps up. Thinking that cheered her up a slight bit, but not very much. It was about five minutes into the twenty minute walk when the rain started coming down.

        Try as she might though, Ochako was being constantly soaked by the rain. Knowing that she was just about out of options, she darted into the first shop she could, closing the door behind her, standing in the open, soaking wet. When she looked up, something became immediately clear to her that made her forget her troubles from just moments ago. She was in a pet store.

       "I'll be with you in a moment!" The person in the back room called out to her, though she didn't even hear them.

        Ochako was too busy running up and looking at all the different cats and dogs, and guinipigs and mice and-

        "Alright. How can I help you ma'am?" She looked up at the employee who had spoken to her. He was a slight bit taller than her, with green unruly hair and emerald eyes. Woah.

        "Ma'am?" He called out once more, snapping her out of her daze.

         "Oh. Sorry. Ummm, I know this is gonna sound weird but did you guys have any umbrellas? I forgot mine." She spoke with a slight blush on her cheeks, both from embarrassment and the fact that she just confessed her mistakes to a cute stranger. Cute? I don't even know-

        "You do realize that this is a pet store, right? We have dog umbrellas but not human ones..." Ochako looked down somewhat dejectedly.

        "Right. Silly me. Well thank you anyway, I'll get going no-" he cut her off before she could finish.

        "Wait. Look, I'm not really supposed to do this, but you look soaked. In the back room there's a shower and a washer and dryer for employees to use in a situation like this. Since we close at noon on Saturdays, which is five minutes from now, would you like to go take a bath while your clothes are in the dryer?" He looked very nervous the entire time, and was looking at the ground more than he was at her, but she could still hear the sincerity in his voice.

          "That would be amazing. Thank you... what's your name?" Her words brought him back to life as he looked up with a smile.

          "Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya. And you are?" Huh. His name means green. Kinda fitting...

          "Uraraka, Ochako Uraraka. It's nice to meet you Midoriya." She smiled at him. "So where is that bath?"

          "Oh yeah! Right this way Uraraka." He led her into the back of the store, where there was a large stock of pet food for various animals and other pet necessities. As they walked something came to Ochako's mind.

          Hold on. I just met this guy and despite knowing absolutely nothing about him, I followed him into the back of a store where we're hidden from the general public view, and where I'll soon be naked and defenseless in the bath! What if he attacks me? Or tries to rape me? What am i thinking!?

        As if he had read her mind, Midoriya spoke up.

        "I realize how shady this probably seems, but don't worry. The bathroom locks from the inside and there's no other way to look or get in. Sorry, I kinda acted before thinking this through. If you changed your mind-" he continued on, talking about how she could leave if she felt the need, or how he still had stock to finish doing, and so forth. Just looking at him, and how nervous but genuine his aura was, she could tell that there was nothing to worry about.

        "Midorya, it's fine. I trust you. You don't seem like the kind of guy who would try and peek in on a girl in the bath. But on the same token, if you do try anything, just know that I have a green belt in martial arts." Ochako chuckled at her own words, but was completely serious about it. She DID have a green belt... four years ago. But he didn't need to know that. Midoriya chucked along.

         "Alright, I believe you." They just stood there in silence smiling before Midoriya finally said something. "Well, this is the bathroom. A-and the washer and dryer are just a bit down the hall. Also some of my co-workers are female and their uniforms are hung up along the wall behind the washer and dryer if you need some clothes to use real quick. Oh and-" he continued on until Ochako snapped him out of it by placing her hand on his shoulder.

         "Thank you Midoriya." With that, she removed her hand from his shoulder and he just nodded and walked away.

         Ochako went and changed temporarily into one of the uniforms in the back, put her clothes in the dryer, and went to take her bath while she waited for her clothes to dry.

Thank you for reading! And thank you to M_Spriggs for allowing me to adopt your story! Anyone who read my last story "WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE", I know I said I was gonna take a break before writing again, but I couldn't help myself and just wanted to get right back to it! I hope you guys enjoy this story, and if you haven't read the original, go check out M_Spriggs and read their story "Rain". That's all for now guys, so thank you and I'll see you next time!

Word count: 1291

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