The Secret Admirer - F.W

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It's been three amazing months with Brad. He takes me out every weekend and leaves me letters in my locker first thing in the morning. We were the new power couple.

I would love to say that everything was perfect, except it wasn't. Finn's distancing himself from me and I have no idea why. I think it's because he feels like a third wheel and one time I ditched him for Brad.

My feelings got the best of me though, I'm crazy for Brad.

Finn's P.O.V

I paced back in forth in my room with Malcolm and Nick on my bed. "How could she be so blind?"

Malcolm gave me an apologetic look. "I'm not so sure."

Nick didn't know what to say either besides, "It's fucked up."

I threw up my hands. "How the fuck could Brad have known about the letters-MY LETTERS! I'm her secret admirer. Damn it."

"Dude, you should've come out straight with her."

"I was when I was about to kiss her! But then fucking Brad had to call and ruin it all."

Nick did the calm down gesture to me. "It's not to late. Start with the secret adirmirer again, let her know Brad is a liar."

I sat down next to them. "I don't know man, it will break her heart."

"It's better if you tell her then for her to find out herself."

I nodded. "I have an idea."


I giggled as Brad kissed my nose. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He smiled down at me, holding onto my hand as we walked to his car.

The Next Morning

I worked up to this loud banging at my door. "The hell.." I looked at the time. Seven A.M., you gotta be kidding me.

I went to the front door to meet a smiling Finn with donuts.

Me with my fat self, I couldn't resist and let him in. "What're you doing here?"

"Get dress."

I was taken aback. "W-Why? It's so early."

He grabbed my hand, taking me to my room. "Chop chop, it's gonna be a long ride."

I watched as he digged through my closet, getting out a cute simple black dress. "Here, wear this." He got got out some heel sandals. "And this."


He claps his hands. "Chop chop! We don't have all day."

I did what he told me to do, putting my hair up in a cute bun and simple makeup.

Nick was waiting out front as we both ran to his car.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked for the hundredth time.

"You'll see." He answers with a big smile on his face. His smiles faltered though when he sees me looking out the closet. "Hey, are you okay."

"I-I think so.."

He scoots closer to me and wrap his arm around me. "You know you can talk to me, right?"

"Yeah. I tell you everything."

"But.." He adds.

"This's really personal and embarrassing. All I can say is that I don't think I made the right decision."

He had his full attention on me now. "What's wrong? Did Brad do something to you?"

"I.." I buried my face into his chest. "We had sex last night.."

"WHAT!" I jumped at his outburst. I met his eyes only to meet anger. "How could you let him take advantage of you like that. Did you allow it?"

" sort of pressured me into it."

"That stupid fucker." He growls.

"Hey, I agreed to it."

He scoffs. "He pressured you into it. I know you did not want it. Please don't tell me it's not the first time he done this type of shit."

I remained silent. "This is my first."

"But this isn't your first sexual experience." I nodded. "Y/n, I'm just gonna come out straight forward. This wasn't how I planned it but fuck it. Brad is lying to you."

"What? Lying about what?"

"He isn't your secret admirer. You're not even his number one girl. He's cheating on you with Gabbie."

My eyes widen. Gabbie's my cousin. "No, you don't have proof of this."

"I do. I have pictures of them."

"But how do you know he's not my secret admirer?" I asked.

"He doesn't know the shit that you like. He's a hypocrite, a fake, you need to break up with him."


"Because I'm your secret admirer."

I blinked. "What?"

"Y/n, I'm in love with you."


He nods. "Yes, from day one I wanted you, I need you. You're always on my mind and that drives me insane. At first I could deny it but I can't deny it now."

"But Finn...I don't feel the same." I whispered.

"Maybe, maybe not. This is why I'm taking you out on a date. I know you feel something for me. I've known since our almost kiss. Don't tell me you didn't want that." Oh I was dying for it.

"I'm still with Brad though."

"I don't care. This day is about you and I only. Forget about him." He pleads.

"Okay.." I submit.

He smiled. "Can I kiss you?"

"Uh.." I wavered on the decision. Fuck it.

I pressed my lips against his softly. Holy shit I am actually doing this. For once I have the balls.

Finn smiled through our kiss and held onto me tighter.

"Woah slow down there kids." Nick said, looking at us through the rearview mirror.

We both let out, laughing. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him.

"I was scared to tell you how I felt. When Brad lied, I was furious. I was just a mess."

I laid my head on his chest.

From that day forward I went to confront Brad, only to find him having sex with Gabbie. I may or may not have keyed his car and slash his tires while I was leaving. I also discovered from his friend that Brad overheard Finn and Malcolm talking about the secret admirer thing for days in the locker room. He even stole one his notes.

I no longer gave a shit about anyone opinions anymore. Finn and I, we were great.

First chapter done YAY. Btw this wasn't suppose to have a happy ending but I didn't know how to put it.

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