Lime Light.

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I woke up some odd hours later not even realizing I fell asleep. As I groaned and sat up I noticed I was laying on Liam, "Well, look whose awake." His eyes were still closed so I guessed that I woke him up, "I've been up for hours waiting for you. Just to lazy to get up." He of course read my mind.

"Hey lazy bum! GET UP!" Louis tore into the room and jumped on top of Liam and I. "We have an interview in an hour!" Liam pushed him off as I was struggling to even breath. "Oh, and Bree, Love, your coming with us." He jumped up and ran around the room. Someone hasn't taken their meds this morning.

Liam groaned and sat up, "And why am I just now hearing about this? I always get called first." He dug around his pockets. "Matter of fact, where is my phone?" His eyes landed on Louis who had stopped running around the room. "Lou, where is my phone?"

He fidgeted under Liam's intense stare down. "I uh, well. It was sitting on the counter in the kitchen. Paul called so I answered, knowing he doesn't like it when we don't pick up."  He fixed his eyes on the ground. 

"Louis, I know for a fact my phone was in my pocket when I fell asleep." He got up and stood in front of him, putting his hands on his hips and tapping his foot.

Louis played with his fingers and looked at his shoes like a 4 year old that just got caught, "I well, I... I lifted it out of your pocket when you were asleep. I may or may not have changed the names in your phone!" Liam gasped and started to jump on top of him but Louis ran away. "DON'T KILL ME!! BREE! AMBER! ANYONE!! HELP ME!!!" He ran around the room again, screaming like a little girl, with Liam hot on his heels. 

I honestly couldn't do anything to stop them, even if I thought of something, I was to busy laughing my butt off. "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON AND LIAM JAMES PAYNE! If I come down there and you two aren't sitting down I will beat your asses!" They both froze and looked at each other. Liam was the first to snap out of it once he heard Amber walking down the hall, he of course jumped on top of me and wrapped his arms around me, acting as if he did nothing. Louis was still frozen, so I threw a bottle at him. He jumped on the other couch just in time for Amber to walk in. "So, if I heard correct, you guys are going to an interview, and what may I ask am I doing?"

Amber and I were seated in a green room just down the hall from the stage which the boys were being interviewed. "So guys, who is this Brenna girl you keep tweeting about? Liam? You two seem to be cosy." She turned to Liam who blushed.

He cleared his throat and looked down at Niall, "Well, she's my girlfriend," That was like music to my ears! "And a close friend with the rest of the band. They seem to all get along great and I don't think I'm speaking for myself but I love her.  She's a great girlfriend, best friend, and singer."

Her ears perked at the word 'singer' "Oh, so she sings? That's what the video Harry tweeted was, let's take a watch shall we?" She turned to the screen, the t.v went full screen to the video of me sing  A Whole Lotta You by A Rocket To The Moon. Kill me now! "Wow, she has some lungs on her! I see why you keep her around, pretty face too! Now, my understanding is she's in the studio, right NOW! Should we bring her out guys?!" The crowd went nuts. Please god, just kill me now, please, please please? "YEAH!" Less then a second later a body guard opened the door and pointed to me, and made a follow me motion.  "Good morning Brenna!" The women greeted me, Grace, I think her name was.

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