There Goes My Heart.

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I felt someones weight push down on the mattress beside me, I had been awake for hours but was to lazy to get up, "Bree, we need to talk." I rolled over to face Amber, her face full of concern, and horror. "Dad is kicking  us out Bree. He said he was tired of us living here for free while he pays, we have to be out tomorrow. I-I don't know where we are going to go." She layed down beside me and cried on my pillow. Dad was kicking us out? I couldn't process what was going on, we were basically on our own. "Bree, I am so sorry. I should have been a better sister figure to you. I should have gone out and gotten a job, something, anything so we could have a place to live. I don't want us being out on the streets. I'm so sorry!" She wailed. I pulled her into my arms, taking over the older sister roll that I so often did, I rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. How? That was the only question going through my head. How are we going to do this? How are we going to live. Just, how.

My phone ringing brought my out of my deep thoughts, "Hello?" I answered hoarsely. I hadn't been crying, but I was close.

"Bree?" My mind flashed back to when Liam first called us, just a mere two months ago. Things were great then, how did this happen? This past month and a half has been great, meeting the boys, falling for one, maybe two, I'm still confused on the whole Niall/Liam thing. Where are we going now? "Hello, are you still there, babe?"

Again, Liam brought me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, anything important, I'm kind of in the middle of something?" I was shocked at my own words, I sounded  like a bitch. But honestly, how would you feel if this happened to you? I have no idea what to do, I have no idea where I am going to be this time tomorrow.

 I heard Liam sigh, "You're either crying or about to cry, Bree, I know you. I'm on my way." Before I could tell him no he hung up. I sighed and looked down at Amber, I couldn't loose Amber, whatever I go, she goes , wherever she goes I go. "Bree, baby, what's wrong?" I hadn't even heard Liam walk in over Amber and I's sobs. "Hey," He pulled us both into a hug, "Stop crying. It's okay, just tell Daddy Directioner what happened."

I looked down at Amber who looked the worst out of the both of us, "Liam," I wiped my shirt sleeve under my eye, "Can I talk to you outside?" He agreed and pulled a blanket around me as I was still in my PJ's and it was cold out. I sat down on the patio chair once outside, "Liam, our- Amber's dad. He- well, he's kicking us out... I don't know what to do, we have no where to go, and I'm extremely stressed out... Liam, I can't do this anymore."

His hand rubbed my knee, "What do you mean 'This' you mean, like, singing and stuff like that?" Poor Liam, my poor poor Liam, I was about to break his heart and it was breaking my heart along with it. 

I grabbed his hand in mine and looked him in the eye, "Liam, I can't do 'us' anymore. There is to much going on right now, it's not the right time for me. I'm so sorry, please don't hate me." More tears spilled down my cheeks as I felt my heart break. I seriously loved this boy, I don't know if it was friend wise or not.

Liam stood up and took a shaky break, "I- Um, I have to go Bree. Talk to the boys, I'm sure one of them will let you stay there until you can get back on your feet." With that he took off down the stairs and got into his car. I sat there, in the freezing cold, feeling numb, not only from the cold, but from the lack of heart I have. It went with Liam as he left, why did my life have to be like this? Why couldn't it be simple, living with my parents until I'm 18, going to an amazing college, getting married having kids.

I don't know how long I sat there before Amber came out, her eyes still puffy from crying, "Bree? What's wrong? Did Mason show up?" I shook my head and explained everything that happened. Hardly, I was crying the whole time. We so easily switched roles, her taking the older sibling once again as it should be. She pulled me into her arms as I cried what was left of me out. I was hollow, how could I do that to sweet Liam, how could I be so cold and break his heart, along with mine?

A knocking at my door woke me from a dreamless slumber, "Go away." I yelled from under my warm blankets. The person wouldn't give up, I heard them open the door. "I said go away-" I yanked the blankets away from my face, my eyes landing on a pair of crystal blue ones.

"Princess," He whispered before pulling me into a hug, "Liam told me everything." I froze in his arms as he rocked us back and forth, did he tell Niall how I broke his heart? "I'm so sorry, but, I have an idea. That's why I'm here, to help you move." He gave me a smile which I returned with a confused look, "You have no where to live, so you're going to move in with me! Amber is going to move in with Louis, isn't that great?"

I looked at him, shocked, "Niall, I- well. I can't. I don't want to mooch off of you. I'll just move to my aunts, she lives a town over." I tried to think of more ways to deny his offer.

He laughed loudly, "Afraid it'll upset your boyfriend?" So he didn't tell him everything. "Honestly, who would you rather live with, someone who hardly has food or someone with a lot of food? You and I both know how much you like to eat!" I agreed with the food thing, but it doesn't matter, he was my only option. "That's what I thought." He said when he noticed me cracking a smile. "Now, come on let's pack your things. I have a spare room, or you can just share with me." He winked at me as he pulled my duffel bags out.

I quickly laughed and bumped shoulders with him. Maybe having Niall in my life was a good thing.

50 million bags, a dresser, and a t.v later, all of my things were sitting in my new room at Niall's flat. I looked at my old room, which I had lived in for almost seven years, it was completely bare, all of the pictures of Amber and I growing up safely packed away in a box. The only hint that it was even my room was the walls, they were painted a teal, on the wall closest to the window was my favorite Ed Sheeran lyric, "Be a true heart, not a follower."

"Princess, don't cry. It's time to move on to your new life and make new memories." He pulled me into his arms, wiping away the tears that I didn't even know I was crying. "Now, come on. Let's go start your new life."

I smile sadly at him and take one last look around  my room as I let Niall pull me out of my old life and into my new one as he said.

"How did you feel when you first moved out of your mums? I know you were a lot younger and I am now." We were sitting on his couch, eating ice cream. I still hadn't unpacked my bags. I took a shower as soon as I got here, I didn't feel like unpacking my clothes so I stole a baggy shirt from Niall and a pair of sweat pants.

He poured a couple of crisps into his melting ice  cream, I crinkled my nose in disgust. "It's hard, trust me, I know." I giggled at his choice of words, he glared at me, "Shush, will ya? I'm trying to be serious here!" I nodded my head and saluted like a army man. He sighed, rolling his eyes. "What I'm saying is, yes, it's not easy, at first. Things may seem tough, but it will get better, I promise, princess."

I nodded my head, "Wow, Niall. You can be serious." I teased and sipped my melted ice cream, "Niall, I'm to lazy to unpack my bags, can I sleep in your bed? I mean, I can just sleep on the couch." I set my bowl down on the coffee table, to lazy to get up and clean it. Ice cream makes me sleepy, weird right? I layed down on the couch, laying my head on Niall's lap, closing my eyes. Niall shifted under me, his arms wrapping under my back and legs before he picked me up, "Niall, what are you doing?" I cracked my eyes open.

He smiled sweetly at me, "I'm not letting you sleep on the couch. My bed is pretty comfy." He said, setting me down on his bed, and yes, it was comfy. "I can sleep on the couch."

I grabbed his arm and pulled him down on the bed next to me. "Niall, I don't want to have nightmares. Wake me if you think I am."

He chucked and layed down next to me, "Okay, Princess." I curled up under the blanket, falling asleep to Niall humming to Ed Sheeran's Kiss Me.


This is kind of a filler, eh, I actually like it, really cute Briall moment<3 No edit, I was kind of in a hurry to upload, I'm heading out again after I post this, I thought I'd give you guys a long chapter, because, well I love you! So comment your thoughts, and please votes.

Lots Of Love~ 

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