Girls Gotta Eat!

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As well all piled into the van, I looked over at Amber and gave her the thumbs up. We were really doing this. We were really in a mini van, on our way to McDonald's with five of the biggest boys in the world. This seemed so unreal. Zayn poked my cheek. "Watcha thinking about pretty lady? You're awfully quite."

I gnawed on my bottom lip, "I just can't believe this is really happening, it seems so unreal, you know? I mean, two teenage girls from the middle of no where in Britain hanging out with five of the hottest boys on earth."

Niall nudge my side, "You think were hot?"

I blushed, "I wasn't, I mean, I was. UM." I stuttered as the all laughed at me. "Guys, that's not cool. I mean, yes you're all cute, NO HARREH Don't get big headed about it" I said as soon as he opened his mouth. "I'm just saying, you guys are famous, and Amber and I are two regular girls that just got out of high school."

Louis jumped over the back seat and threw his arm around me, "Aw, c'mere Bree. Don't get all mushy on us. The day has just started!!" He tussled my hair with his free hand. I quickly slapped his hand away and tried fixing my hair.

Niall leaned over toward me, "Your hair looks fine, Love." I tried not to shiver from his voice, I could feel his cool breath on my neck. I got Amber's eye and blushed as she did the kissy-kissy face.

"HARREH!!! ARE WE ALMOST THERE, I'm hungry." Louis yelled right by my ear, which made me jump, and made everyone else snicker. I glared at Louis and slapped at him. "Nialler, get your girlfriend off of me!" I blushed and dropped my hands back on my lap.

Then of course, Amber started in. "YEAH Niall contain your girlfriend." She snickered as I glared at her.

The van came to a very sudden stop. "Okay, were here, moveee fat asses my Lou is hungry." Louis climbed over both Niall and myself and kicked Niall in the stomach. With an emf Niall slapped at his legs, and mumbled a watch it.

I giggled as Niall helped me out of the van, along with Amber, we joined arms and walked into McDonald's, Niall of course opening the door for us. "Amber? Bree! OH MY GOD, what are you doing here?" Amber and I immanently stopped our later as Mushi ran up to us. Her long black hair was curled around her face, a line of black under her dark chocolate brown eyes.

Amber unlinked her arms with mine, "MUSHI!! What are you doing here." She ran over to her and gathered her in a hug, as she was closer, I let them have girl talk and went to stand in line with Zayn and Niall. Niall went first, ordering what seemed like everything. Zayn ordered a cheese burger with fries and a large drink. I was simple, because I already ate and I wasn't hungry. I double cheese burger plain, with large fries and a large drink. Hey, a girls gotta eat!

As I walked over to our tables to sit to eat, I noticed Amber and Mushi sitting at one table giggling so I sat down next to Niall and Liam, he looked at my tray "Damn girl, do you have enough to eat?" Liam said as he eyed my food, compared to his small chicken nuggets, it was a lot.

"A girl has to eat, and well, I'm kind of hungry." I took my cheese burger out and opened it to lay fries on the burger like I always do.

Niall watched as I did so, and once I was done, he opened his mouth, "That's a smart idea." He then did this to his own burger and As I sat down to eat, I noticed that Amber and Mushi were sitting at the table, giggling and talking to each other, I sat down at the opposite table along with Niall and Liam. "Damn, girl. Got enough food?" I shrugged munched happily. I smiled at him and started it on my own burger, taking small and thoughtful bites. I sipped on my Mellow Yellow once I was down and sat back rubbing my stomach.

I groaned. "UGH, I think I'm going to get fat. You guys should have never brought me here, I always big out, you know?" Niall patted my head and smiled at me.

Louis ran over and picked me up, "Ey, you're not getting fat, I can still pick you up." He threw me over his shoulder so I could get a nice look at his bum, which I then slapped. "Hey! That's not very nice now is it, love?" I giggled as he walked over and put me on Zayns lap.

I tried to get up but he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Well ello there love. Vas happening?" I laughed at his most famous line from X Factor, yes Amber and I were a major fan even back when. I tired unwrapping his arms but he kept them strong.

"Zayn," I groaned and tried again, which only made him laugh more. I turned around with a horrified look on my face.

"I love it when the girlies moan my name." He laughed even harder and I jiggled from it, I slapped at his chest to make him stop but in turn it made him laugh even harder. Since he was busy laughing I got out of his grip and flopped back down in my seat with a huff.

"Don't mind them, they just like having fun with cute girls." I blushed, I mean, who wouldn't Niall Horan just called me cute.


So it's short again. And I don't care. That's all I wanted to write because the next chapter is going to be a little longer, hopefully.

I noticed that the last two chapters ended with something cute from Niall, as it should be<3 LOL yeah....

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