This Is The Tour.

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I snuggled closer to Niall, he happily agreed to sleep in my room last night. Our bare legs intertwined, my head on his bare chest, this is how I want to wake up every morning. I sighed happily as watched Niall's chest rise and fall as he breathed, still asleep. I ran my hand over his flat stomach, feeling the warmth wash over my hand. Niall sighed and shifted under me, admiring how perfect he was is suddenly embarrassing. "Good morning, Love. Sleep well?" He kissed my head, wrapping his arms around my torso.

Honestly, last night's sleep was the best in the past couple of days. I sighed, lifting my head and looking at him now, "I had a wonderful sleep." He returned my smile with one of his crooked ones. I leaned down and pressed my lips to my boyfriends, my god, how that sounded amazing.

Niall wrapped his arms around my torso again, licking my bottom lip and quickly deepening the kiss. Suddenly the door busted open, "For the love of god! Stop making babies!" I smirked, rolling my eyes and turning to face Louis. "Come on kiddies, first day of tour starts today! I suggest you take a shower and make it last, it'll be the last good shower 'till we get to the first venue." With a single wink, he turned on his heels and left.

I groaned, falling on top of Niall who only laughed. "How in the hell did he get in?" I finally stood up, stretching in the process. I started to make my way to the bathroom, walking around the couple of bags that I had. "I wont take long!" I called over my shoulder as I slipped into the bathroom.

I ended up towel drying my hair, which left it frizzy, but who cares, not like I'm going to see anyone important, other then Niall. I slipped on my outfit that I had set out last night. A pair of ripped skinny jeans, over-sized baseball tee, tan toms and a gray beanie over my frizzy hair. I walked out of the bathroom brushing my teeth. "You look lovely, like always." He said, getting off my bed and kissing my cheek. "Ready for your first day of tour?"

I sighed as I stuffed my brush into my carry on, "Not really, it's scary, y'know. My first tour and I'm opening for world wide boy band One Direction." Louis must have put my bags in the bus because only my carry on and shower bag was left in my room. "I guess I'm just scared."

Niall laughed at me as he pulled a shirt on over his head, "Nothing to be scared about, Love. Everyone is like a nice big family, you'll fit right in, I promise." He hugged me before walking to the door, "Now, come on, don't want to be late for your first day of tour."

I smiled before picking up my bags and grabbing his hand, "I hope so." I replied to him about the family, I already know I'm like family to the boys, but what about the rest of the crew?

As I locked the front door saying goodbye to my new home, I noticed there was an extra body standing with the boys, and it wasn't Amber. "Ah, I finally get to meet the famous Brenna Wixom." Oh. My. Flippin. God. Simon Cowell! "It's really nice to meet you dear," He said, pulling me into a hug, which I returned. "Have fun on tour with these crazy boys, hopefully you last longer then a day."

I smiled at him, "Thank you, sir. I hope I can last too." I waved at him as I stepped on the bus. I legit screamed my lungs out. We haven't even been on the bus for two minutes and it was already a mess, bags of crisps lay on the counter crisps spilling out, cans of soda lay on the ground I didn't want to know if they were empty or not, clothes were everywhere. I heard the boys, along with Simon laugh then heard Simon say I told you. "BOYS! Get your bums on the buss NOW and start cleaning or I will send you to bed without dinner!"

They all rushed onto the bus, Liam came in last. "Finally! A momma Directoner, I'm not alone now." I glared at him and he got to cleaning along with the rest of the boys. I smirked as I sat down, watching the boys clean. I think I'm going to like tour if I get to be bossy.

I lay out on the couch in the back lounge, "Guys, I'm bored already!" We hadn't even been on the road for two hours. "What is there to do on the bus other then sleep and not shower?" I looked up at Amber, whose lap my head was resting on, "Wanna play truth or dare?" Everyone quickly agreed, "Okay, who goes first?"

Louis jumped up and down,  "Pick me! Ooooo, I have a good one!" He waved his arms around, I  laughed and pointed at him. "Bree, I dare you to steal Zayn's hair products and hide them."

I laughed again, agreeing since Zayn was in the front, sleeping like always. "This is way to easy." I slipped into the bunk area, which was in the middle of the bus, I pulled back the curtain to Zayns bunk and opened his cubby, which every bunk had for extra storage, and took his hair products. Now the hard part, where to hide them. The evil woman in me instantly thought of Louis. I leaned over to his bunk, which was on the opposite wall of Zayn's, and opened his cubby, which was full of carrot plush toys. I rolled my eyes and stuff the hair products in.

Happy with my evil work, I skipped back into the little den, "Well, if it isn't Miss evil," Niall said, patting his lap motioning for me to sit. "So, where did you hide them then?" I pretended to lock me lips and throw away the key, "Atta girl." He smiled before kissing my cheek.

I clapped my hands, "My turn, Louis." I grinned evilly at him when he gulped, "I dare you too..." I pretended to think even though I had an evil plan. "Wake Paul up from his beast slumber," Paul was the boys, and now my, body guard. When I passed his bunk he was snoring away.

Louis stood up, muttering something about me being a evil woman and made his way to the bunk area. A second later, we heard a high pitched scream, which made me jump. Louis ran back in, with Paul hot on his heels, and jumped on Harry. "You little nugget! What are you boys up too?" By this time, we were all clutching our stomach with tears gushing out of our eyes. "Brenna, I thought you were getting the boys back into place." He said sternly, pointing a finger at me.

I wiped away a couple of stray tears, "I told him not to Paul, I think Lou is going crazy." I cracked a smile at Louis who was glaring at me.

Paul grumbled and looked at his watch, "We should be getting to the first venue in twenty minutes. We need to get off the bus fast, as there will be a bunch of girls, sound check fifteen minutes after we get there. Then, Bree, your first concert will be full swing." He smiled at me before heading to the front of the bus to tell Zayn what he just said to us.

My breath caught in my throat, Niall rubbed my back. "Don't worry, you'll be fine, Love." I smiled at him, but inside I was freaking out.

My first concert was about to take place.


It's kind of short, and mostly a filler, as the next chapter will be Bree's first concert, but still, I want to know what you guys thought of it, so comment! And like/vote.

By the way, the video on the side is one of One Direction's new songs Rock Me, I love it<3 Niall sings most of it, or well the course, but still BIG BIG BIG Solo from my little Nialler<3

Lots Of Love~ 

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