School Girl Crush.

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Niall had been tracing my face with his finger for the past couple of minutes, I didn't dare wake up. I sighed deeply, hoping I sounded asleep as his finger ran down my jaw line, his finger ran over my bottom lip as he sighed, "You can open your eyes now Bree." He whispered in my ear.

I slowly opened my eyes, the sun shining through a crack in the curtain where it had been pulled back a little, "Good morning, Niall." I stretched out, feeling Niall's eyes on my stomach which had come uncovered.  "Stop being a pervert." I said, snapping his attention back to my face.

He smiled sheepishly at me, "What can I say, my girlfriend is hot." He wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling my closer to him, closing the gap between our face brushing his soft lips across mine.

I smiled against his lips, "Flattery will get you no where Mr. Horan." I pulled away, pushing him out of the bunk and with a loud thud he landed on the ground. I couldn't contain the laughter that bubbled out of my mouth, along with everyone elses mouth. I pulled the curtain aside to see Niall laughing face first on the ground. "You okay there NiNi."

The rest of the boys walked in, taking in Niall laying on the ground only to laugh harder. "Oh my god, Niall! Are you okay?" Liam rushed over, helping the Irishman up. "Okay, fine your okay. Now I can laugh." He started to chuckle as Niall glared at him, "Sorry, mate, but you falling out of the bunk is quite hilarious. Remember on our first tour when Lou-"

Louis' hand slapped over Liam's mouth with a loud smack, "We agreed to never talk about that Mr. Payne." I giggled quietly in my bunk, "You had something to do with the little nugget falling didn't you?" 

I laughed again, holding my hands up, "I did no such thing! I'm going to brush my teeth and there better be food ready for my when I get done!" When I finally made my way out of the bathroom, there was a bowl of cereal waiting for me. I rolled my eyes mumbling "Boys" under my breath as I took a spoon out, I chuckled lightly, remember that Liam was afraid of Spoons, what a strange fear.

Niall's arms wrapped around my waist from behind, I smiled to myself, breathing in Niall. "Have you been on Twitter lately? You've become pretty popular." I detected myself from him, bring my laptop out from my bunk and setting it on the table in the mini kitchen. I opened my profile, the background just happened to be a picture of Niall and I, clicking on the Internet and typing in Twitter I was blown away. 4k followers in one night, I clicked on my mentions which was over a thousand, I clicked on one at random and it was a picture of Niall and I on stage kissing, it was completely perfect, I saved the picture tweeting the girl back a thank you and made it my profile picture and new back ground on my laptop. I turned around to face Niall a smile on my face, "What's the plans for today."

He shrugged, sitting down beside me, "The concert for tonight was cancelled, so, um how about I take you out on a date?" He blushed slightly, looking down at his bowl of cereal. I smiled at him, grabbing his hand, "I can't believe I got shy about asking you on a date, I'm such a nut."

I grinned, pulling him into a hug, "Well, you're my nut of a boyfriend. I must be a nut to like you back." He acted like he was hurt, "Baby, you know I love you."

Louis walked by, groaning, "People, please. I am trying to eat my breakfast and NOT throw up." He playfully kicked Niall, then jumped on the couch next to Amber who looked like she was about to fall asleep any minute. "Good morning babe." He smiled kissing her.

I groaned, "Come on, people! I'm trying to eat without throwing up." I mocked him, playfully sticking my tongue out, which he returned spitting also. Amber screamed girlishly as some of the spit landed on her, "HA! You spit on your girlfriend. You are so horrible."

Amber wiped the spit on Louis' arm. "Oh, come on, you can stand my spit when I kiss you why are you complaining now?" I think everyone was complaining about this little info, "Well sorry, my girlfriend and I are trying to have a private conversation."

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