Promise Me Forever

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A knock on the bathroom door made me jump, "Are you ready, Love?" A thick Irish accent said from the other side of the door.

I brushed down my dress, yes, Bree is wearing a dress without Amber making her(A/N, picture on the side of her dress!). "Yeah, just a second." I answered, sliding on my matching heels. Come on Bree, you've already been on one date with Niall, why are you so nervous about this one? I stepped out of the bathroom only to meet a pair of crystal blue eyes, "Hi," I said shyly. "Excuse me, I need to get my sweater." I slid past him toward the bunk area, but he caught my arm.

Looking down at me, his eyes filled only with love, "You look beautiful, princess." He pressed his soft pink lips to my own, lingering there for only a moment before pulling away and smiling, "Now, go get your sweater, we have a date to get to."

I laughed at him, turning on my heels and grabbing my sweater off my bunk before pulling it over my shoulders, who knows when the London weather was going to change, and I was only wearing a dress. "Okay, I'm ready to go."

Just then Amber stormed toward us, "UM, no you are not missy! I need pictures and I need them now! Never in the time that I have known you would you willingly put on a dress. You must really like Nialler here." She nudged my ribs winking in Niall's direction. "Now, Niall, be a doll and take a picture for us, even if I look a mess!" Which, of course, she didn't. She had on a pair of red skinny jeans and a white top with a red sweater over it, "Smile, Bree. This is going to be my profile picture." We both said chees, holding onto each other when Niall took the picture, "Okay, now get! You need to tell me everything that happened on the date when you get back."

I nodded my head, grabbing Niall's hand and pulling him off the bus, and a limo was waiting for us, "Well, I didn't expect you to go the whole nine yards and rent a limo." I chuckled as he held the door open for me to slid in, "Why, thank you."

Niall whispered to the driver, I'm guessing about where we are going, before sliding into the car beside me, grabbing my hand in his warm one, "You are in for a surprise, Love." I nodded my head, smiling, all nervousness from before vanished as I looked at my Irish boyfriend.

"Wow, you rented this place out?" I looked up at the concert hall in front of us where the driver dropped us off, "And this is where our date is going to be?" Niall laughed as he grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the freezing weather and into the  warm building. As we walked down a long hallway, I ran my hand over the wall, literally feeling the history behind them.

Niall stopped, causing me to bump into his back, "Come here you booger," He pulled me in front of him, showing me the theater area of the concert hall. In the middle of the stage was a dinner table, set with plates, glasses and silver wear, around the table mini rose petals were strewn on the floor. "Well, what do you think?"

I was in awe, this was perfect, cheesy, but perfect. I pulled Niall onto the stage with me, he pulled out my chair like he did on our first date and allowed me to sit in it before pushing it back in and sitting in his own seat. "This is completely perfect, why are you so amazing Niall?" He shrugged before coughing very loudly, I gave him a questioning look before noticing a waiter come and set a platter on the table, he lifted the lid and much to my pleasure a whole pizza was sitting underneath. "Okay, I really love you Niall." I grabbed a piece taking a bite out of it a moaning, "Oh my god, this is flipping amazing!"

Niall laughed, looking at me adoringly, "I'm glad you like it," He said, taking his own slice and taking a bite. Once we were finished with the pizza, the waiter came back and filled out wine glasses back up, then Niall got serious. "Bree, I have a question to ask you."

I looked up from my glass, eyeing Niall as he stood up and walked over to me, "Niall, what are you doing?" He knetled down in front of me, taking a box out of his pocket, "Niall, I, I mean, I don't know. We just met, were are only 18 for crying out loud! We have our whole life ahead of us-" 

He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine, "If you would let me explain," He laughed at my expression, "Bree, these past three months have been amazing, I know I just met you, but you turned my whole life around, for the better. You are my angel, my saviour, I love you. I really mean it too." I was in complete awe, so I sat there, tears filling my eyes, "I wanted to propose," He said, opening the box, "A promise. A promise, that some day we will get married, grow old together. A promise that you will forever be mine, my friend, my lover, my wife, and my life." He pulled the ring out of the box, it had the infinity sign wrapped around it, "So, will you?"

I smiled at him, then pressed my lips against his, letting all of my love flow through it, Niall Horan, my boyfriend, my promise. I loved him I really did, I didn't see it in the beginning, but I was a stupid girl, over the past three months that I knew Niall, I fell in love, every little thing he did, eating to much, laughing to loud, things that would annoy people, just made me fall in love with him even more. True, Amber and I had known about One Direction for two years, ever since they were solo's on The X Factor, Niall had always had a special spot in my heart, a small little warm corner. When I met Niall, I never thought any of this would happen. My arms snaked around his neck, my fingers running themselves through his perfect blond hair, Niall. This was all I ever wanted, all I ever needed. I pulled away, resting my forehead on his, breathing heavily, "Niall, of course I promise." 

He jumped up, doing his little jump that he does at the end of every show, before pulling me up into a hug, nuzzling his face into my neck, "I love you Brenna Wixom." His lips brushed against my neck, sending fireworks through my entire body. He pulled away, taking the ring again, slipping it onto my ring finger, and it fit perfectly. Niall blushed, "Amber told me your ring size."

I smiled again, pulling him into another hug, "Niall, I love it, and I love you."

So that was that, I was promised to Niall Horan from One Direction and things couldn't be any better. My best friend was dating none other then Louis the Tommo Tomlinson, and I could just see them getting married and having little carrot loving babies. I was on tour, living my dream every night, people loved me, I felt like I belonged, like I now have a family with One Direction, with their fans. Niall and I talked about it, and we plan on moving away from London, maybe back to Ireland so we can't run into Mason ever again, things were picture perfect and I wouldn't change a thing.


Yep guys, it's the end, it felt so weird writing it! But let me explain before I get people "Omg, noooooo don't end it." There is nothing left to write guys! She's on tour, she has a place to live, she got Niall, and Mason is gone! I don't want to start some random drama, I like the way it ended, picture perefect, don't get me wrong, I'm sad that it's over. But things are perfect for Bree.

So please, comment your thoughts, comment any idea's of what story I should write next, and please vote and share with other people!

Lots Of Love~

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