They Know My Name.

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I peeked my eyes open slowly, my headache long gone. Right in front of me a pair of blue eyes were staring at me intently, Niall's lips parted slightly, "Good morning beautiful." A blush creeped over my face as I buried my head into the pillow, "You look cute when you do that." Niall's voice was right in my ear which sent shivers down my back. He lightly kissed my forehead.

I sat up, put only a little since Niall's arms were still wrapped around my waist. "Niall, I'm hungry." He raised an eyebrow at me, "Shut up," I said slapping his chest, which was still shirtless. "And put on some clothes." I blushed noticing he was only in his boxers. "I'm going downstairs to make breakfast. Feel free to come down once you're... Er decent." I smiled down at him and unlatched his arms from my waist.

I made my way downstairs, silently praying that everyone was still in bed, "Well, if it isn't little miss Demi Lovato, you got some lungs on you girl." My face went completely red, did I- "We told you we were going to get you to sing."  Zayn made his way over to me with a smile on his face and planted a kiss atop my head. "You were great, I don't see why you didn't send in a real video." With that he left the kitchen.

Liam walked in carrying a plate, "Hungry? I made pancakes." My face must have looked like I sucked a sour lemon, "Bree, get over it. You sang, we were to drunk to even remember it." I sighed a sigh of relief. Hopefully nobody remembered anything, oh wait. Oh my god. 

"Liam, I'm so sorry about last night. I was hammered, I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm such a slag, that's what Niall was talking about this morning." I groaned and rubbed my hand down my face. Can things get even worse?

Liam set a plate of chocolate chips pancakes down in front of me, my favorite but.. "You look like the type that likes Chocolate Chips in her pancakes. But hey, don't worry about the kiss, I know you were drunk, so was I." He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, remembering how into the kiss he was, I also blushed. "You actually dare Harry and Louis to make it, and they did, oddly enough." I laughed at this and dug into my pancakes. How could a girl be so hungry? I ended up eating four, and they were huge pancakes.

Amber finally came into the kitchen and sat down next to me, her face flushed, Louis followed with a giant grin on his face. "Good morning lads and female-lads. We are going shopping today! Some old friends are throwing a party. Thought we should go." I eyed him suspiciously, I looked over at Amber and gave her that look that said 'you-will-tell-me-everything-later-' She nodded her head and started eating her pancakes.

Finally Harry came down, "Hey babes, nice singing last night, got it on my phone." My  eyes widened. Oh hell no. "You know, I could put it on twitter, or YouTube, I bet you'd be big."

I ran over to Harry and jumped on his back. "Give me your phone! DELETE IT!!" I started pulling his curls trying to get his phone out of his hands, he hit play. Oh good god, the video was me dancing around singing A Whole Lotta You by A Rocket To The Moon, please kill me. "HARREH! Stop it! Give me the phone, please delete it."

He pulled me off his back and threw the phone at me, "For attacking me, I put the link to the YouTube video on twitter." And sure enough he did, there his first tweet said 'The lovely @Bree_Wixom singing A Whole Lotta You by @ARTTM' below was a link. I angrily threw the phone and pounced on hims again, yanking his curls even harder. "Help! BREE IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" Harry started running around the living room, trying to shake me, but my legs were wrapped around his torso.

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