Best Last Night.

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"Come on you bum, it's our last day before tour and I'm going to make it last!" Niall jumped onto my bed. I groaned and rolled away from him, for the first time since I moved in with him, he slept in his own bed, and call me weird, but I had a horrible sleep. "Hey, what's wrong babe, you don't look so hot."

I glared at him from under my mess of hair, "Gee, maybe it's the fact that you woke me up at 9 o'freakin' clock in the morning?!" I swatted at him, "Let me go back to sleep." I pulled my blankets back over my face. But no, Niall being Niall wouldn't give up. He yanked the blanket completely off, leaving me in a pair of boy shorts and big t shirt. "Niall James Horan! I am going to kill you! Give me back my EFFIN blanket!" He laughed like a mad man and dashed out of the room. I've told you this before guys, I don't stand down. I took off down the hall after him, he was standing in the kitchen holding a plate of my favorite pancakes, eggs, and biscuits. "Just because you made me food, doesn't mean I forgive you for waking me up at this ungodly hour." I grumpily took the plate and sat down.

He grinned at me before kissing me on the cheek, he danced around singing. "Bree forgives me because I made her amazing food. And She LOVEEEEERSSS ME!!!" Lovers? What is this boy on? "Hurry and eat your food, I have an amazing day planned for us." I glared at him over my food. Would he just shut up already? He got me up and eating least he can do is let me take my time. "Sorry, love, I'm just excited."

I sighed as I finished my breakfast, "Can you at least tell me where we are going so I know what to wear?" I took my plate to the sink and started to wash.

Niall came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "It's a secret love, but dress pretty, like you always do." His cool breath fanned down my neck and made me weak at the knees. This boy. "Anyway, hop to it. We need to head out soon." He slapped my butt which made me turn around and glare at him. He held his hands up and looked like an innocent five year old.

I took my sweet ass time walking to my room, but as soon as the door was closed I ran to my closet, pulling almost all of the shirts off their hangers trying to find something decent to wear. Once I finally picked something I ran to the bathroom to start on a quick shower, I did all the necessary things as fast as I could before hopping out and brushing my teeth. I ran into my room, the towel wrapped around me I quickly threw on the clothes that I had laid out before running back to the bathroom to dry and curl my hair. I calmly walked back into the din where Niall was sitting on the couch eating a bag of crisps. "Was that fast enough for you?" I looked at the clock on the DVD player, okay, only an hour and a half.

He grinned as I walked in and stopped at the door, he walked over to me and pulled me into a hug before whispering in my ear, "You looking beautiful like always." I snorted in response. I looked normal, I had on a tight fitting blue three quarter link sleeve t-shirt, khaki shorts, blue and tan wedges with a tan scarf around my neck, it was actually warm today for once in London. "You do, now let's go."

We went shopping for a couple of hours in the local mall, of course in disguise. Niall tried buying me clothes for tour as he said but I wouldn't let him, I felt rude. I was already living with him, he didn't need to buy me clothes too, I had money saved up from my off and on odd jobs over the past four years, but not a lot. I sat on a chair just outside of Starbucks sipping my latte, which might I add, shouldn't be drinking, I'm hyper as is. "Is this really all we are going to do? Niall, sometimes you can be a girl about shopping."

He started laughing and almost spit out his coffee, "No, this isn't it, I have two more things up my sleeve. The first is dinner. So, let's go." I groaned as he pulled me away from my comfy seat.

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