Excuse Me?

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New story for AMBER<3 I love you girl. We share loves in Niall Horan. I hope you like the story so far, I know it's short but oh well :D

"This is so horrible, I can't send this in Bree. What if we like, get in trouble or something?" Amber, my close friend said looking closely at the video we had just recorded. It was the two of us, singing Up All Night by One Direction to each other in the bathroom. I admit, it was funny. But, to take it to the next step, I wanted to send it in to the contest they were having, we were for sure going to win.

I took the camera from her, "Come on, live a little." I hit the send button and looked at my blond hair best friend with a big grin, she looked from me to the laptop and back. As soon as the ding popped up saying the video was sent in we both literally fell off the bed laughing. "Oh my god, I can't believe we did that. They are going to think we are idiots." I sat back down on the bed, wiping tears off my cheeks. 

Amber sat down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder, "Bree, my friend. We are idiots." 

That was a month ago, and the contest winners had been picked, I was wrong, we didn't win. Was our singing that horrible? I shook that though off as I layed upside down hanging off of Amber's bed, "Would you stop hanging like that, your going to go stupid one day."

I laughed at her craziness, "Yeah, when pigs fly." As soon as the words left my lips my phone rang and I fell off my bed in order to catch it. I slid the answer bar across, "Hello?" Amber was dying in the background so I snapped my fingers at her and she settled for snickering.

"Hello?" I answered the phone, but Amber started laughing again.

She rolled around on her bed, clutching her stomach, "Oh my god, you- ha! You should have seen your face. PRICELESS!"

I threw a pillow that had fallen to the floor at her face, "Where is your mute button!" I got up and went to her bathroom, "Sorry about that. There was a crazy lady in the room."

"It's fine, Love.  So the lads and myself were watching the video you sent in." I heard a couple of boys laughing in the background.

"Video? What video?" I asked sitting on the edge of the tub.

"Um, the video of you and your friend.. Amber? Singing our song Up All Night." I scratched the top of my head, say what? "For the One Direction contest?"

I almost fell in the tub when it finally popped in my head. "OH MY GOD, IS THIS LIAM?" I heard Amber fall off the bed, and in less then a second she was banging on the door. "Amber, go away."

I heard a chuckle. "Yes, this is Liam, and all of the lads from One Direction, minus Niall, he's at Nando's getting food." I rolled my eyes, of course he was. "Louis was wondering if we could meet up with you girls, he thinks we would all get along, so how about, we pick you up, in about three hours? How long does it take you girls to get ready?"

I sat there frozen for a minute, did... Did Liam Payne just ask us out on a date. No, a hang out. "Um, I um" I stuttered "Yeah, three hours." I quietly told him the address and hung up.

I stood up and unlocked the door, and Amber rushed in. "Who was on the phone?"

I stood there looking her in the eye and simply said; "Liam Payne from One Direction is coming to pick us up, in three hours."

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