Crazy Woman!

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I rolled over in bed, facing the window. The sun rays heating my cold face, I stretched out taking in a deep breath. Mmm, food. Wait, food? Oh, my god. "FOOOODD!!!" I yelled jumping out of bed, almost tripping over Niall's long sweat pants. Did I mention how hungry I am?

I ran down the long hallway leading into the kitchen, "Whoa, there girly." Niall chuckled as I slid on my socks, nearly falling on my bottom, again. "Ya hungry?" I eagerly nodded feeling my stomach slowly eat itself. "You seem in a better mood, did you sleep well, love?" He placed a plate stacked with five pancakes, a pile of eggs, and two biscuits.

I nodded again and started on my pancakes. After ten minutes of Niall watching me stuff my face, I lay out on the bench that doubled as seats for the table. "Thank you for all the great food, did you make it all yourself?" I burped before laughing uncontrollably. I then groaned and grabbed my stomach as it gurgled, so much food.

Niall kept laughing, "Yeah, I like to cook seeing how I eat so much." I agreed with him, even though I couldn't cook to save my life. "So, how's about we unpack everything today?" I groaned as I realized I still haven't unpacked anything. Why does moving have to be so hard? He noticed my discomfort. "Hey, they faster you unpack everything, the more at home you'll feel." I noticed him blush slightly as he picked up the plates and set them in the sink to be washed later. "Now come on lazy bum." He grabbed my hand and helped me up.

We walked into the spare room that was going to be mine now. "It's so bare." I stated, looking at the plain white walls. I walked over to the first box, which happened to be my comforter and pillows. I set to making my bed as Niall stood awkwardly in the doorway.

"We can paint it, your favorite color if you want." He walked over to help me make the bed, noticing that the corner kept slipping off. Once everything was put on the bed I jumped on it, and to think Niall had a comfy bed, mine was just as comfy.

I put my face in a pillow, "Doesn't matter. I wont be staying long. Just enough to get my feet on the ground, get a job, maybe a new smaller flat." I sighed, the big world now seeming even bigger. What if Amber and I never got a flat together? What if we were on opposite sides of the town, only being able to see each other passing on the street for the briefest of moments. "Why does life have to be so.. so stupid?" 

Niall sat on the bed with me, putting one of his hands on my back, "Hey. You can stay here for as long as you want. You don't have to move out, I mean, well if you don't want to. To think about it, we need to paint the room before we can put everything in the room, so come on." I sat up and looked at Niall, was he crazy? Did he not hear a word I said? I looked down at my outfit, no way in hell am I going out in his clothes, I'll look homeless, which I basically was. "Oh come on, go pick out an outfit from your thousands of duffel bags."

I smiled at him, Niall could read my mind. I hugged him before running about the room digging through different bags, finally finding my shirts, I pulled out the first one which happened to be long sleeved v neck gray shirt. I found my other bags, pulling out some black skinny jeans, underwear and a bra. "Hey Niall, find me some shoe's and socks please." I yelled over my shoulder stepping into the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower where my shower gel and shampoo were greatly awaiting me. The shower it's self was amazing, really big unlike my old one which was a tiny tub one. After two days of not shaving I was a happy girl, my legs now smooth and shinny I always felt gross if i didn't shave for a couple of days. I opened the sliding door only then realizing I forgot to grab a towel. Well, shit. "Niallllllll." I called out. I heard him walking up to the door, "Can, you um, get me a towel, please. I forgot."

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