My Living Hell.

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I looked up into the eyes of the boy I once loved, the boy I gave everything to and the boy who tore me apart, "Mason?" I said, barely above a whispered.

He cleared his throat and stood up straighter, "That's my name; Mason. I'll be your waiter for the night, anything I can get you to drink?" I looked at him in disbelief. He was the same as I remembered, his soft brown hair was swooped to the side only it wasn't covered in a beanie as it usually was. His piecing green eyes that I used to love were looking anywhere but me. He was more buff if that was possible, and a little bit taller, I could only think that I could no longer wrap my tan arms around his warm neck. "And you Miss?" He directed toward me.

I looked down, "Uh, I'll just have a Diet Dr. Pepper, please." Once I knew he had walked away, I looked up. Liam and Louis were both staring at me, waiting for me to explain, Amber was looking down at her phone. "Um, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom." Liam nodded his head and slipped out of the booth, I quietly made my way toward the bathroom and once I made it out of their sight, I ran.

"Watch it!" Someone said as I bumped into them, I looked up, and into those green eyes. "Brenna. How nice to see you here, stalking me at work now? Couldn't get enough of me?" I tried to push away and go into the bathroom but Mason grabbed my wrist, "Where the hell do you think your going? Answer me!" He yelled/whispered, "You wanted to see me, let me give you something worth waiting for." He leaned down and pressed his cold hard lips against my soft ones, I felt tears flowing freely down my face, then the warmth of Mason was gone.

I tore open my eyes and found Mason laying on the floor blood gushing from his nose. "I suggest you leave my girlfriend alone." Liam spat at him, I had never seen him mad. He looked down at me, concern filling his eyes, taking over his daddy direction mode. "Are you okay, Love? Did he hurt you?" I nodded my head telling him I was okay and rubbed my wrist. He turned back toward Mason who was trying to stand up, "If I find out you ever come near Bree again I will kill you." Mason flinched as Liam drew his hand back again, which he only placed around my shoulder to lead me off.

Once Amber caught sight of my tear soaked face she grabbed Louis and followed Liam and I out of the restaurant. She ran up to me once she caught up and hugged me, "Bree? Are you okay. What did that bastard do to you?" Louis put his hand on her arm to calm her down. "I still don't like him after the shit he did to you last time. Do I need to reteach him a lesion!" Louis pulled Amber into a hug as she seethed.

I wiped the tears away from my face, "What did he do to you Bree?" Those beautiful brown eyes filled with concern once again.

"It's a long story."


I sat on the couch in Liam's flat, wringing my hands, nervous. How was I going to tell this story? I sighed and ran my hand through my knotted brown hair, "It started three years ago. We were in high school, young love. I met him outside of school at the mall, with Amber. He told me he was new in town and that he would be going to our school. I was stupid and dind't see threw the stunt. Two weeks later he finally came to our school, 15 year old me was ecstatic, this cute boy took interest in me, soon enough we were hanging out every chance we got, we told each other everything. Or so I thought. Finally on July 2nd 2009 Mason A. Hawkins asked me out, being young and in love I said yes.

"A year later, he took something very special from me, I thought I was in love. I thought I knew Mason. Four months later, I was a happy 16 year old, getting my first car, my first stop? Mason's house. I walked in without even knocking because I had a key, I heard noises coming from his room, I ran upstairs with a huge smile on my face ready to tell him the good news. I threw the door open, and there Mason was with someone blond bimbo on top of him." I stopped, a sob running through my body. No Bree, this is the past, don't cry about it. Liam rubbing my back in a soothing motion, I smiled at him through a small amount of tears and went on.

"He begged me to take him back, saying she came on to him, I believed him being a stupid naive 16 year old. Everything seemed to go great for a month and a half, but then he started getting into drinking with his friends. One night, he came over to Amber and I's place, Amber was out that night, with a boyfriend. He staggered in, I happened to be on the couch watching reruns. I didn't know at the time that he was drunk so I ran over prepared to hug him and tell him all about my day, as I always did. As I neared him, I could smell it on his breath, the rank smell of beer.

" 'Come here you slut. I'm not finished with you.' He lunged at me, but I was quick. I ran upstairs, Mason on my heels, and before I could slam my door shut he ran right through, more like stumbled in his drunken state. He forced me against the wall saying he was going to have his way with me and I better like it. I struggled, which pissed him off even more, I finally removed my hand and sent a sharp slap across his face. Mason did not like that, he blew a punch to my stomach then yanked my face upward and punched me. Knocking me out cold." Tears were steaming down my face, "I-" I couldn't finish my story, I leaned into Liam crying my eyes out. 

Amber continued where I left, "I came home to shouting from upstairs, thinking someone broke in, I ran upstairs with a baseball bat which happened to be in the downstairs closet. I walked in just as Mason punched her the second time, without even thinking, I swung the bat, hitting his head. 'You bitch! You'll pay for that!' In his drunken state, he tripped over Bree's legs, I quickly jumped on his back, knocking his head again as he blakcked out. I called the police and while waiting for them I gathered Bree in my arms, praying, wishing she was okay, wasn't dead. I don't know how long I sat there, just crying but soon enough the cops showed up along with the ambulance and pulled Bree away. They wouldn't let me go because I wasn't family, so I got in my car as fast as I could and took off. My baby sister was almost beaten to death, honestly, I don't know what I would have done if he had done it." Amber reached up and wiped her face, finally done with my hell of a story. Louis pulled Amber into him, whispering soothing things into her ear.

So we sat there, taking each other in, Amber with her boyfriend, and then there was Liam... What were we? 'Whatever you want us to be, Love.' Boy, you got some explaining to do.


Ermahgosh guys!!! 34 votes and 212 reads! I love it, I actually started crying tears of joy, thanks to you! So as a reward for getting me so many votes and reads a new chapter! I hope you like it, I was crying for most of it, I tried to get Louis and Amber in it more, I need to work out a way to get them in more, maybe more double dates? I only do Bree point of view, so it is very hard! 

Picture on the side is Jai Brooks who plays Mason Hawkins.

So comment your thoughts, and don't forget to vote!

Lots of Love~ 

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