The Notebook Is My Life.

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I stole one of Liam's shirts and pulled it on over my bra, I then stole some of his basketball shorts, he said we weren't going anywhere special, but anywhere with him was special. "So, are you going to tell me where we are going?" I said walking up to his car, preparing to get in.

He pushed the door closed and leaned into me, pushing himself against me, I felt my cheeks flush, "We aren't taking the car, were going for a walk." He said kissing my nose then taking my hand in his. We walked down the street and he suddenly ducked into the woods, causing me to stumble, but he caught me. He wrapped his arm around my waist, as I was clumsy and he knew. We walked further and the path ended into a park, which we walked through. A cute elder couple were walking toward us, they were holding hands and smiling like teenagers, I couldn't help but feel jealous, I hoped that one day I would be like that. I wanted to grow old with the one I loved.

"This way, Love." Liam said bringing me out of my thoughts, he brought us onto the main street, I looked around, worried that fans might see us. Liam walked over to a man selling flowers and picked up a single red rose, smelled it, then paid the man, walking back over to me he handed it to me. "For you, Bree. It's beautiful, just like you." I mumbled a thanks as I blushed, smelling the flower to keep the red away. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Shall we go back? Watch a couple of flicks?"

I groaned, "Liam, I love hanging out with you, but I really should head home. I havn't been back in over 24 hours, I need to shower. We can hang out tomorrow, I promise." He sighed as we walked back to his flat.

"Fine, but you better come over tomorrow." He said pushing me against the side of the building. He leaned it, I closed my eyes, thinking he was going to kiss me, but instead he started tickling me, "Now, say Liam Payne is the sexiest man alive." I shook my head and tears poured out of my eyes. "Say it and I'll give." He started tickling even more, I held my mouth, trying to keep the laughter from coming out. He stopped and moved closer to me, putting his mouth near my ears. "Say it." His cool breath fanned over my neck.

My knee's weakened, "Liam is the sexiest man alive." I breathed out. He moved away from me, his warmth going with him. I almost whimpered. We got back inside and Liam found my dress, thrown behind the couch. I blushed as I remembered how that happened. "I'll bring your clothes back to you tomorrow." I said as I stepped outside, Liam right behind me.

He nodded his head and jumped into his car to drive me back to my place. "Thanks for staying the night with me, Bree, I had a great day." He put his hand on my knee and gave it a squeeze before smiling up at me. I nodded my head and kissed his cheek. "That's all I get?"

I smirked at him, "Until tomorrow, love. Goodbye." I jumped out of the car before he could say anything else and ran into my flat. The door unlocked, I had to teach Amber how to lock things up.

Amber came storming from the living room, "Brennan Raine Wixom! Where the hell have you been! I have been worried sick! You could have gotten kidnapped, raped! You could have called, texted. But no no no, you are just to good for that!" Amber's blond hair was sticking up everywhere as if she was pulling at her hair, her little pointer finger pointed straight at me to emphasis everything she said. Sometimes she could act like a mom, but then again, she is the oldest, at 19, but only by 7 months.

I backed up away from her, holding my hands up, "Okay, mom, calm down. I was with Liam, I got drunk at the party and he took me back to his place to keep an eye on me." Her face softened, but was still stiff.

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