chapter 1 (Farren)

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When I first met Zak I didn't know what to think. I was his biggest fan and admire. He meant the world to me. I was shocked when I found out that he and I were soulmates

"FARREN!" Farren's mother yelled from downstairs,Farren groaned and turned over looking at her phone.

  "FARREN GET DOWN HERE!" Farren sighed and got out of bed. "I'M COMING" she called back,stumbling down the stairs she found her mother in the kitchen pouring some cereal into two bowls.

  "You needed me?" her mother glanced at her "yes, go get dressed you don't want to miss the first day of school." shit. 

  she had forgotten today was the first day of school.

 "Well don't just stand there,go get ready then come eat." Farren nodded "ok."

Twenty minutes later Farren was downstairs and eating breakfast."Well first day of senior year!" her mother squealed Farren nodded her head and smiled "last year of school" she agreed,her mother walked around the table and gave Farren a hug .

 "I love you my sweetcakes" she whispered in Farrens ear,"I love you too mom." her mom's eyes started watering "oh darling I'm so proud" it was farrens turn to cry "thank you mom"

 Farren Stood up,gave her mother a hug and went to find her keys.

She found them five minutes later laying on her dresser,she grabbed her keys and ran out to her small,black chevy,starting her car to warm it up as it was freezing out,climbing out of the car she went back inside to wait.

 "you back in,Farren"her mother called "yes" she called back "you'll need to give your brother a ride,his car broke down." Farren sighed in annoyance "alright." she grumbled.

  Her mother walked into the living room,she looked exhausted,black circles ringed around her eyes. "Mom let me get a job,you need a break." her mother smiled.

  "Oh honey you don't need to do that." Farren shook her head "yes I do, you're exhausted." Thalia opened her mouth to argue but Farren interrupted her "don't argue. After school I will find a job somewhere." Thalia sighed 

 "Alright." and she smiled "thank you Farren." "no problem." she replied "well you better go, you don't want to be late." Farren nodded and ran out to her car to wait for her brother.

Five minutes later her brother William came out and got in the front passenger seat. "Bad luck?" Farren asked,William nodded.

  "The stupid thing broke down on me" he said bitterly, Farren laughed "It's not funny!" he protested "sorry, can't help it" she replied,she put the car in reverse and started off to school.

About half an hour later they arrived at school,Farren parked in her normal parking spot and turned off the engine.

 She turned to her brother,  "when do you get your car back?" 

   William shrugged "whenever it's finished at the shop," he answered then added "so until then I'll be riding with you." Farren nodded and got out of the car.

  they started walking towards the school, her friends Clark and Lana were waiting for her outside the front doors.

  "Hi" they said in unison "hey,guys." she replied "how are you?" Lana asked "fine,and you?" Farren answered "great" she replied Clark laughed "alright guys, we need to get to class,we are already late." Farren groaned and sighed "I hate school sometimes" and shook her head.

 Clark and Lana laughed and dragged her to class.

"So are you going?" Lana asked Farren shrugged .

"I'll need to ask my mom" she responded,  They were at lunch and Her friends wanted her to go to some party, "why? You're eighteen,you shouldn't have to ask" Clark piped in.

  "look guys,I would love to but I told mom I would look for a job after school." Clark sighed and Lana rolled her eyes "a job seriously?" Lana asked, Farren sighed and ignored them

 She headed towards the library, looking for her book in her backpack but realized she left it at home,she grabbed her keys and ran out to her car.

  "Farren! Wait!" she turned around and her brother was running towards her. She waited until he reached her "what do you need?" she asked "Are you running home?" 

 She nodded "I forgot something this morning." he didn't say anything for a minute then asked "Can you grab my P.E shorts?" Farren nodded and got in her car "thanks." he said and ran back to his group of friends.

Pulling into the driveway of her house, she noticed an orange van sitting in the parking lot, she pulled over next to the curb in front of her house.

 she killed her engine then got out and ran inside,her mother stood talking to a group of men, whom she recognized as the ghost adventures crew. Her heart started beating a mile in a minute.

  the man she adored so much was standing in HER house. Her mother turned in her direction "Farren your home early." Farren glanced at the lead investigator then said to her mother "I came to grab a few things real fast."  

  She ran upstairs to her room, grabbed her book, ran to Williams room and grabbed his shorts, as she turned around to leave she saw a man,she could see the wall behind him. she ran into the hallway and started to head for the stairs, she felt a sting on her side but didn't stop until she got downstairs.

"You alright?" her mother asked as she was about to leave "Fine." she answered her mother frowned.

 "No,your not, your bleeding." Farren groaned "god damn it,not again!" she sighed "Farren language please" all three men were looking at her like she was crazy 

her side hurt like crazy but she didn't care, her mother did. 

 "Go wait for me in your room, I'll be there in a minute." Farren shook her head.

 "no way in heck i'm going back up there, everytime I do that man-thing decides it hates me. God knows why I didn't do anything to him." her mother sighed "bathroom." 

 "I need to get back to school.sorry mom worry about it when I get home." and she left.

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