Chapter 25 (Farren)

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  "You alright?" Amelia asked across from Farren, she looked up at her friend and smiled, "I'm alright." she replied, Amelia, sighed and shook her head at her, "Farren I've known you for nearly three months now, don't lie to me." Farren sighed and dropped her  breakfast fork, " Look, Amelia, As much as I want to tell you I can't." she replied Amelia gave her a hurt look but nodded. 

 "Hey, Farren!" a cheerful voice said from behind her, Farren stopped walking and turned around, Amanda stood behind her, grinning, she narrowed her eyes at her, "What do you want?" Farren snapped, Amanda rolled her eyes, "I just want a small favor." she said sweetly, Farren sighed and shook her head, "if you think I'm doing anything for you, your wrong." she replied icily, "Oh but you will, or you'll pay the consequences for it." 

 "Are you trying to blackmail me!" Farren asked angrily, Amanda laughed "you could say that." she replied happily, "No." Farren growled, Amanda glared at her, she smiled and turned and walked away, "Well girls we have a consequence to plan." Amanda's silky voice said as she walked, too bad she didn't walk fast enough.

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  "Farren!" a loud voice snapped, she snapped her head up, her teacher stood above her a angry look on his face, "Why are you sleeping in class?" He asked, she sighed and sat up all the way in her chair, "I'm awake, geez." she said ignoring the question, she glared as the entire class stared at her, "Do I have something on my face?" she snapped, everyone in the room turned around, "Principal's office now, you don't have a reason to be rude to the class." 

 "Hello Miss. Farren." the Principal Mr. Trea greeted, Farren didn't say anything, just sighed and stared at the floor, "So as I understand it, you were rude to the class." he said, she glared at him, "I wasn't being rude, he got mad because I fell asleep, everyone was looking at me so I got them to stop." she replied, he sighed, "I see, well unfortunately I'm going to have to send you home early and give you a two day suspension." he said, Farren nodded and stood up.

 "do you have a way to get home?" the principal asked as she began walking out of the office, she nodded and pulled out her phone, she went to dial her mothers number but thought twice, did she really want to get in anymore trouble? her mother was already mad at her, and besides classes just started.

 Farren clicked on Zak's number but hesitated, would he even be awake? "Farren?" she turned, a very confused Amelia stood behind her, "Where are you going?" Amelia asked, Farren shrugged, "I don't know." she replied, she waited as Amelia caught up to her, "you skipping?" she asked, Farren shook her head, "no, I got suspended." Farren responded, Amelia blinked, "Suspended? why?" she asked, Farren shrugged "it doesn't really matter."

  "Who are you calling?" Amelia asked as Farren clicked on Zak's number and held the phone up to her ear,  "Just a friend" Farren said quickly as someone picked up, "Hello?" Zak's groggy voice sounded on the other end, "Hey, did I wake you?" she asked, Zak chuckled "maybe." Farren frowned, "I'm sorry, I'll let you go if..." she trailed off as Zak laughed, "No, your fine, it's time for me to get up anyway." he replied, for some reason she didn't believe him.

 "So you getting picked up?" Amelia asked as they began walking, Farren nodded, "By who?" she asked, Farren smiled, "someone." she replied, Amelia sighed, "speaking of someone, Blake wants you to go on a date with him." Farren stopped and looked at Amelia, "Well?" Amelia asked, Farren sighed "I'm sorry but I can't." Farren said quietly, Amelia's smile immediately dropped, 'why not?" she asked, Farren sighed, she opened her mouth to reply.

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