Chapter 32 (Zak.)

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    "Zak?" he looked up his mother was standing right in front of him, he had five cousins, his sister and her boyfriend, mother, two nephews and a niece, all visiting him for a couple days.

 "You alright?" She asked, Zak smiled and nodded, quickly shutting his phone off and setting it down, "I'm alright." he assured her, she smiled and sat down next to him, "So I heard you've got yourself a new girl." she said excitedly, Zak nodded grimly, she smiled, "so when do I get a grandchild?" she asked smoothly.

 Zak stared at her shocked, he knew he couldn't lie to her but he and Farren had agreed they weren't ready to tell anyone. not yet.

 Zak sighed to opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything Farren came down the stairs, she had his t-shirt he had worn yesterday on and nothing else, his heart sped up and he took her in, "Farren, It isn't just me here." he said smirking at her, she gave him a confused look, His mother laughed and Farren seemed to have noticed she was there.

  Zak wrapped his arm around Farren as she sat down next to him and shoved her face into his chest, A chuckle came from next to him, Zak glanced as her mother as she sat watching Farren, "She must be the girl then." Zak nodded, he laid his chin on her head, " I'm Nancy, Nice to meet you Farren, So do I get a answer to my when Do I get a grandchild question?" 

 "Nine months from now." Farren mumbled sleepily, Zak groaned and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand, "Farren" he groaned, She sighed, "Can't hide it forever." she mumbled, Zak sighed as his mother grinned and jumped up in excitement, "I'm..." She started to say loudly but Farren jumped up, "Shhhh, no one knows yet, we'd like it to stay like that for now." 

                             *                                                           *                                                      *

 "Finally bedtime?" Zak's mother said as she sidled up next to him, he stood at the doorway after just having put Farren to bed, she had passed out and he got her in bed, Zak Glanced at his mother then back at Farren, "You going to stick with one girl this time?" she whispered, Zak glared at her and sighed, "Do we really need to have this talk?" he asked,  "Yes son, we do." Nancy said sternly, "She really seems to like you don't hurt her." Zak nodded, "Mom she's the one, I wouldn't." 

 Nancy have him a sharp look, "From what I heard you already have, although I must give you some credit, she's the longest relationship you've had." Zak sighed "I know I messed up but that was a while ago, we seem to be doing ok, we haven't fought yet." Nancy smiled, "good, how far along is she?" Zak shrugged, "She told me about three months ago." Zak replied, looking at the sleeping Farren, he noticed her small baby bump and smiled, Nancy shuckled "she looks three months along." Nancy said dryly, " Although you need to not let her work to much when she grows bigger." 

 Zak nodded, "I know."  it went silent for a minute, "well Zak I'm heading off to bed, I will see you tomorrow." Nancy said and Zak nodded, "Goodnight Mother." he said as she hugged him, "Goodnight son." she replied, turned and left.

                                      *                                            *                                 *

 Zak groaned as sunlight slapped him in the face, "Close the damn curtains." he groaned as he shoved his face into his pillow, he heard Farren giggle, he raised his head to look at her, "seriously?" he asked as he found her grinning face, her smile grew wider, "what's made you so happy?" He asked raising an eyebrow at her, Farren shrugged, "Hmm you." she replied, he pushed himself up so he sat up as she came and crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

 Awhile later....

 "That looks incredibly comfy."  a voice said, zak lifted his head up to see Sophie walking over, he was laying down with Farren laying on top of him, "very." he said with a smile and she giggled, Zak groaned as he felt his phone vibrate underneath him, Sophie laughed as his mother walked in and shook her head with a smile on her face, "Alright sweet cheeks don't sit on your phone when you have someone passed out on you." she said in amusement, Zak chuckled, "I know but to late now." everyone chuckled except for Farren who was asleep.

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