chapter 33 (Farren)

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   "Farren." A voice whispered in her ear, she groaned as she rolled over, facing away from whoever it was, A voice chuckled, "Farren." He said a little louder, she forced her eyes open and turned and looked at Zak, "Hey." she said quietly, he smiled, "hi." he replied, she sat up, "What's so important that you have to wake me up?" She asked stretching.

 "Well I leave for An Investigation Tomorrow afternoon, so I thought I'd take you somewhere." he said, Farren sighed, "again?" She asked, Zak nodded, "It's part of the job babygirl." he said softly, Farren nodded, "Well let's go enjoy the day together then." she said as she stood up and walked over to their closet.

 Farren quickly changed into a pair of black shorts and a black T-Shirt.

 Farren quickly changed into a pair of black shorts and a black T-Shirt

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"Alright. Let's go." Farren said as she walked out of the closet, he stood up off the bed and grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door and down the stairs.

 "Where are we going?" Farren asked as She sat in the passenger side of the car, He grinned, "Haunted museum, going on a tour today." he said and Farren laughed "Awesome, I've always wanted to go." she said, Zak smiled as he drove.

 After about thirty minutes of driving they finally arrived, "You'll go in with the crowd, I get to Watch the Camera's" He said as they got out, Farren nodded, "Alright." and she headed off into the direction of the crowd.

 "Hello." A voice said, Farren jumped and the girl chuckled, "Sorry didn't mean to scare you, names Blair, What's yours?" She asked, Farren shrugged, "Farren." She replied, Glancing at where Zak stood, now joined with his tour guide, she frowned as whoever she was kept touching his arm, tracing his tattoos,  she watched as Zak grasped her wrist and took it off his arm and releasing it so it fell to her side.

 "He's hot ain't he." the girl said next to her, Farren looked at her, She had a dreamy look on her face, Farren grinned, "very." She agreed, "I wish He'd pay attention to me." she sighed and Farren bit her lip to hold in her laugh.

 Zak must have felt her watching him because he turned around and met her eyes, She Grinned at him, he chuckled as he raised his eyebrow at her, "oh jesus he's looking over here!" Blair squealed, grabbing Farren's arm, she winced as her arm was squeezed to death, "He did didn't he." Farren said, Blair grinned, "I dare you to go up and try to kiss him." She said her eyes bright.

 Farren giggled as she walked over to Zak, "....Also we need..." She grinned as she tapped Zak on his shoulder, he turned around, "Oh...H.." he began but was cut off by Farren standing on her tippy toes pecking his lips, "Got you." she whispered as she fell back onto the heels of her feet, she turned and quickly ran back to a shocked Blair.

 "I didn't think you'd actually do it." Blair said, her voice in awe, "you went up to him like it was no big deal, most girl get hyper excited when they are around him." Farren Laughed, "I'm always excited around him, I've just learned how to control it." she replied, Blair shook her head, "How many times have you met him?" she asked, Farren Shrugged, "I met him a while ago."

 "Lucky duck, does he hang with you or something?" She asked and Farren grinned, "The rest I can't answer." but before Blair could say anything Zak walked over, "Who's excited for today's tour!" he said and the crowd went crazy,  Farren watched as a crowd of girls surrounded him, pulling at his clothes and wrapping their arms around him.

 Farren grunted as she pushed girls out of the way and off, she pulled arms off of him until they let go and all stood there stunned, Farren glared as the crowd went silent, All the girl were glaring at her, "What!" She snapped, They all turned and vanished back into the group.

 "Are you alright?" Zak asked standing next her her, She nodded, "You?" She asked, he nodded, Farren watched as Blair approached a wishful look on her face, Farren sighed and grabbed Zak's hand, "Alright Zak Someone I'd like you to meet." 

 "Blair, Zak. Zak, Blair." Farren said as she stopped in front of Blair, she had her hand over her mouth, and tears were leaking out of her eyes, "Hello Blair." he said, Offering her his hand, she stared at it as she rested her small hand in his, "I'm sorry, I'm just a big fan." she whispered, Farren nudged him a little, "Give her a hug." Farren whispered to him, He smiled as he pulled her to his chest.

                                *                                                     *                                                             *

 "Home sweet home!" Farren groaned as she plopped down on the couch, Zak chuckled as he bent down and picked her up bridal style, "Hey!" She squealed, he chuckled and made his way upstairs, Farren wrapped her arms around his neck and giggled, "Seriously Zak I can walk." She said smiling, he grunted as he kicked their bedroom door open and walked in, shutting it behind him. 

 Farren squealed as he threw her on the bed, She took a deep breath as he crawled on top of her, She arched her back as he grinded his hips into her, "Zak." She whispered as she tugged at his shirt, he sat up and pulled it over his head, throwing it to the floor, Farren Raised herself up and connected their lips.

 "Off." Zak murmured as he tugged at her clothes, she nodded as she stood and quickly shed her clothes, Zak following her lead.

 Farren felt tears come to the corner of her eyes as he nudged her legs apart and pushed himself in, she gasped as her whole body shook with pleasure,  Zak groaned and shoved his face in her neck, "Fuck this Farren." He whispered, she turned her head so that her cheek rested with his as he moved, She panted as she felt her heart swell with so much love for this man she started to cry.

 "Farren what's wrong?" Zak asked as he stopped, Farren smiled as she kissed him and flipped them so she sat on top, "I love you too much." She whispered as she slid up and down on him, He smiled and laid his hand on her cheek and wiped her tear away, "I love you too baby girl." He whispered, she moaned as she felt him twitch and felt herself growing closer, "Please." Farren mumbled, Zak grabbed her hips and slammed into her cause her to orgasm.

 Farren held still as she felt him empty into her, "We gotta start wearing condoms." he panted as she collapsed on him, she sighed and closed her eyes as she listened to his heart beat until she fell asleep.

 Well another part published, been a bit since i've worked on this particular story, I'm debating publishing it after a few more parts or to keep going for a little while longer, let me know what you think and until next time!

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