Chapter 9 (Zak)

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 Zak smiled as Farren's shocked expression turned into joy and excitement, "hey." He greeted. The girl that Farren had been talking to turned and he recognized her from the post, he avoided looking at her eyes as he stopped just in front of the two girls.

"Zak?" Farren asked, blinking up at him, "who else would I be?" He asked and she smiled, and turned back to the girl in front of her, "Melissa give me my phone." Zak turned to look at the girl she was talking to, the Melissa girl smiled up at him, "Hi, I'm a big fan, I love your show." he grunted "thanks now give Farren her phone back."

The girl gave Farren a nasty look and gave Farren her phone back, she then turned and marched away. "Who was that?" he asked, Farren sighed, "She's the one who posted the fake picture of her kissing you, her name is Melissa." she replied, Zak shook his head "How did she get your phone?" He asked, Farren shrugged "I have no clue." and she walked over and slipped her arms through his jacket and around his waist.

Zak wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head which was resting on his chest, he sighed and closed his eyes, someone gasped on the other side of the car they were standing next to, Zak opened his eyes and glanced at the person standing there, she must have be Farren's friend.

Just then someone else showed up, she was digging into her purse looking for something, "Farren have you.." she looked up and a smile broke on her face, "seen my keys." The girl finished, Farren pulled away much to his dismay and turned around towards the girl, "No, anyway Lana, Clark this is Zak, Zak this is Lana" she said pointing to the girl on the other side of the car, "And this is Clark." she finished pointing to the girl who had asked about her keys, "Nice to meet you." Zak said and he shook their hands.

A little bit later the girl named Clark found her keys, "you coming?" she asked Farren but Zak grabbed her wrist, Farren looked at him and smiled, He smiled back, "Sorry ladies but I'm going to steal her for the rest of the day." He said and pulled her away.

  Zak took her to a small Cafe on the other side of town, he jogged ahead and held the door open for her, she smiled "Thank you" she said stepping into the Cafe, he went in after her.

They found a table and sat down, a waitress Came to take their orders, Zak looked at Farren and smiled, "choose anything off the menu." he said "It's on me." Farren looked at him and smiled, "Thank you." Zak grinned and nodded "No problemo." He replied, she looked at the menu and tipped her head as she read, Zak grabbed his and tried to decide on what he wanted.

   Ten minutes later the waiter came back and asked what they wanted, "Just a oreo milkshake." Farren said, "that's it?" Zak asked, raising an eyebrow, Farren glanced at him and he looked at the menu, the shake was only like three dollars, he ordered a couple bowls of ice cream and a coffee for him, and a soda for her, the waitress left to fetch their orders leaving them alone again.

   It went silent as they waited, "So." Zak started "Tell me more about yourself." he finished, she opened her mouth to reply but before she said a word a phone went off, Farren frowned and pulled her phone out glancing at it then shaking her head and putting it back.

     "Who was that?" he asked curiously, she smiled "No one super important." she replied, he nodded, he didn't want to push it although he must admit he felt a stab of jealousy.

  The waiter finally brought their orders out after what felt like forever of them waiting. She set them down in front of them and Zak gave Farren her her order and they started eating.

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