The ship

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Bulma sat with her family enjoying their breakfast while listening to the news playing on the television. As per usual, Bulla was still upstairs getting ready, the girl could take hours with her makeup if given permission. Trunks sat half paying attention to what he was eating, another half busy reading something on his laptop. Ever since he was put in charge of Capsule Corp, he has been extra busy furthering his career, much to his father's distaste. His father sat at the head of the table, shoveling food into his mouth, glaring at nothing in particular, he was probably thinking of a new training regime as he always does.

Silent brooding came to an abrupt halt as he noticed the images being displayed on the television,

"... scientists have uncovered an alien spaceship inside a rock formation..." that confirmed his suspicion,

"Uhm, Vegeta, isn't that one of-" Bulma started,

"Yes, its quite interesting that one of those piles of junk managed to survive," Vegeta said watching the TV and folding his arms,

"One of what?" Trunks asked looking up from his laptop,

"Well as you know, your father and Goku are not from this planet, that is one of the ships that your father traveled a lot on" Bulma tried to explain, well Vegeta sat engrossed in the images of what once used to be a cage to him,

"...We are 100% positive that this is alien technology because none of the metals that this ship is made of can be found here on Earth ... We have been searching throughout the spaceship for more clues...What we have found very interesting in particular is the fact that this spaceship is fully functional, it has been running on solar energy all this time," Vegeta's eyebrows shot up at hearing this piece of information, and he started watching more intently, his family noticed this and could not help but wonder why this intrigued him so, but they knew better than to disturb his concentration. 

"no...we have managed to get all doors open except one, it seems to have a genetic scanner or..." the screen then moved to a frame that zoomed closer to the image of the ship, just beside the door, some sort of markings that seemed to be in alien dialect showed itself on the screen, Vegeta's eyes widened at seeing the ship's name. 

"They must be stopped," Vegeta said abruptly, standing from his chair,

"What do y-" his wife tried to ask,

"BULMA, THEY NEED TO STOP!" Vegeta shouted before taking off and flying through the ceiling and roof, only then did she realize how serious he was. He only called her by her name when was deadly serious, any other time it was always 'woman'.

"Trunks follow him," Bulma told her son as she reached for her phone, he nodded and shot off through the same hole in the ceiling that his father made. She then phone all authorities she could to get the people cleared from the area, making something up about possible radiation because she knew that if her husband came across them, in his current angered state, he would make them wish it was radiation. She then phoned Goku, who used instant transmission to get all the currently available Z fighters, to her and then to where Vegeta was heading.

They arrived just in time to see Vegeta land outside of the ship, Trunks steps behind him. He raised his eyebrow at seeing the presence of Goku, Gohan, Goten, Krillin, Yamcha, and Piccolo.

" was not that kind of emergency," Vegeta mumbled, earning a glare from his wife,

"How the hell was I supposed to know that!?" She yelled as she walked up to him,

"All I said was that you had to stop the nerds from opening the door," he said turning his back to her and started walking in, walking in a certain direction,

"Why father? What difference would it make because you are probably going to open the door anyways" Trunks asked as he and the rest of the team followed Vegeta who seemed to know exactly where he was going.

"Because forcing the door open could hurt them," Vegeta answered almost too softly for anyone to hear, just then he halted in front of the very door in question, put his hand on the hand scanner without hesitation, and walked in.

The Z fighters all exchanged glances when they noticed that the biometric scanner was programmed to accept Vegeta's handprint, but said nothing as they followed cautiously behind him. 

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