{ 2 } Balling

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"Thanks Tok!"

Grabbing the Ice- Cocoa Grandad specially brewed all day for me, I sprinted off after returning his warm smile. All I needed now was peace for myself, and I knew exactly where would fit me. I could already imagine the serenity of my resting spot, with the sun's radiant smile and the sparrow's joyful chirps. Nothing beats that! Only if it was not occupied...


I stared at a ball that rolled towards me. Feeling every part of my body, I heaved a sigh of relief. Having narrowly missed the ball by inches, the feeling of anxiety that crept up to my heart slowly morphed off as I realised who was behind this...


"Who was it?"

"Who else?"


Pointing at me was a boy wearing a fiery orange cap towered over me. Instead of offering me his hand, he placed his palms over his loose vest and broke into a guffaw.




Normal POV

The fire elemental took a few steps back as he laughed uncontrollably.

"You should have seen your face when you fell!"

A feeling of resentment developed in the Ice- elemental as he stood up and stared daggers into his twin's tangerine- coloured eyes.

Coming to his senses, Blaze fell silent and picked up the ball. Geez... it was just a joke...

After his anger faded away, Ice's cerulean right palm held the cup of Ice- Cocoa as he settled onto a nearby bench in the park. How annoying could he get?


"But then he came back again..."


"Come on Ice!!" Blaze let out a sickening whine as he struggled to pull his brother out of the bench.

"Go find Thorn! Or Cyclone!" Ice replied coldly.

"But... they are busy... All I need is a companion..." Blaze's eyes fell to the ground as he pressed his head into Ice's shoulder. "Please?"

Their eyes met.

Ice blinked repeatedly at his brother. He could not withstand rejecting his brother after catching sight of his puppy-cute eyes. Feeling his cheeks warming up, Ice's heart throbbed ferociously. 


"Did you do it?"



"Please..." a tear rolled down Blaze's pure peachy eyes, smearing Ice's tight azure sweater. The Ice- elemental placed his palms over his twin's back and nodded.

Blaze's eyes lit up instantly.

"But what happens to my drink?"

"Give it to me!" the fire- elemental grinned mischievously and snatched his brother's cup. Without a second thought, he slurped down the remainder and licked his lips.

"Nice refresher! Come on Ice!" Blaze cheerfully skipped towards the field.

Ice followed suit and sulked. There went his favourite drink!


"Here! Pass it!" Blaze waved into the air as he awaited Ice's pass.

Still possessing resentment in his heart, the Ice elemental gruntled and smashed the ball up into the mighty heavens.

"Hm... Try to catch that!" Ice smiled smugly as he tasted his bitter sweet revenge.

"Heh...on it!" Blaze smirked and lunged himself into the air, skilfully gaining possession of the ball. "Now try to keep this! Yahh!!!" The fire-elemental returned the ball with an acrobatic finish.

Wiping off perspiration from his forehead, the Ice manipulator tried to follow and decode every movement of the ball.


"Did you save it?"

"If I did, I would be in the National team!"


"Goal! Goal! Goall!! Blaze is a magnifico!" Blaze yelled elatedly, punching the air widly, his screams of excitement filling the entire park. Ice could only watch his brother celebrate, a wide smile spanning across his face, until...

"See that Ice? You really need to lose some weight!"







A/N: Hope you all are enjoying it! 

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