{ 17 } Dancing fever

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Meanwhile in the arcade...

"What game should we play?" Ice turned to his brother.

"What about that dance machine over there?" Blaze suggested.

"Sounds fun!" Ice smiled as they made a dash for the machine.

"Hurry! I wanna dance!!" Blaze got a little jumpy as he waited for the machine to accept their tickets.

"Ok! Which song?"

"Oooh!! The Tapops one! Come on!"

"But I don't know how to dance to that song..." Ice looked at the dance floor nervously.

"Don't worry! I will show you how!" Blaze grinned. "Watch me!" Blaze cracked his neck as the music started.

"TAPOPS mengembara satu galaksi!" Blaze clapped his hands repeatedly while moving to the beat. "Mencari Power Sphera untuk dilindungi. Power Sphera tak boleh salah guna! Oleh si alien, si alien, si alien...DURJANA!" The fire elemental's movements were so nimble and quick that Ice could not tell if he was real or a bot.

"Wow! So skill..." As the ice manipulator watched in amazement, Blaze began to take full control of the dance floor. "Heh! TAPOPS mengembara satu galaksi... yeah!" Rounding up with a left side dab, the pyro performer received a standing ovation from surrounding gamers.

"Stage cleared! Perfect score!" the machine announced.

"How did you suddenly become so good at dancing?" Ice queried out of curiosity.

"That is because Gopal taught me how these dance moves! If you want, here! Watch this recording!" Blaze smiled at Ice as he projected a video through his power watch.

"Or you can opt to watch the trio's dance to victory!"

It was all 'oohs' and 'aahs' until someone decided to come and spoil the amazement.

"Pffff! So what can you dance? Can you breakdance? Like this?" Kingston jumped onto the other available dance floor and stepped on the pads. "Start the tape... and breakdance!"

Kingston's fluid and synchronised dance to hip-hop music drew the attention of the crowd, leaving Blaze and Ice a little jealous.

"He stole our people!" Blaze hissed.

"Well, we can always do another one..." Ice gave his brother a gentle and reassuring smile.

"Like what? There is no better song than this..."

"Oh really?" It was Ice's turn to smirk and take charge.

"Tepuk Anai-Anai, Belalang, kupu-kupu!" the screams of Ice seemed to capture the curiosity and hearts of the crowd.

"Tepuk cucu pandai atuk upah susu!"

As Blaze and Ice clapped hands, the crowd began to do the same, imitating their every action and word.

Kingston gritted his teeth. "Guys! Play the next one!"

As the two of them stole the crowd continuously, the crowd eventually swung towards the brothers with the introduction of their all-time favourite TV show theme 'Dunia Baru'. Even the rest of the siblings who watched from a corner began to flip wildly to the melodious tune.

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