{ 18 } Rivalry and misfortune

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But not before long...


A white fog enveloped the arcade. "Sorry folks, party's over!" Out of the mist stepped a tall and bulky man. He was dressed in a coat from head to toe and wore double sunglasses.

"What are you looking at? Get out!!!"

As panic intensified, Amato was brought into awareness of a new threat. "Mysterio!"

"Father?" Kingston got to his feet and kneeled.

The tall bulk looked over at his son and then to the brothers. "Nice job son! You two have caused enough destruction to my son and his friends such that you are a national threat! As per my vision, I would gladly remove the threat!" Mysterio fished out a pin and pulled it, following its 'beep' sounds all over the arcade. "Say goodbye to earth villains! Hahaha!"

"No! I think you are the villain!" Amato swept into the scene and wrapped a protective shield around his sons. "Mechabot- mechanise!" The bombs went off, but luckily no one was injured.

"Mysterio! What the hell is wrong with you? These are my sons, not national enemies!" Amato got into a defensive position.

"Isn't that what you taught me in the compound? The villain has to be slain at all causes?" Mysterio remarked matter of factly. (Amato was a spy before becoming an ambassador)

"By doing this, you are placing thousands of lives at risk!"

"Pfff! It is your sons harming my son and his friends last week at the national stadium! They had so many bruises! If you were not my ex- supervisor, I would have slaughtered all of you!"

"So, you really want to fight? Bring it on then!" Mechamato pushed his sons away and got into a defensive position.

"Your sons were the ones who bullied my child! So beat it! Yahhhh!!!" Mysterio fished out his pistols and charged directly at his fierce rival, powered by his anger and vengeance.

Kingston was left stunned at a corner. Bullied? A series of guilt came to his heart.

"Your pistols are no match compared to my metal armour! Take this! And this!" Mechamato swung two heavy punches onto his rival's lips and head, knocking him to the ground.

"Dad... stop..."  Blaze weakly looked on as he coughed repeatedly.

"Oh no..." The light elemental ran into the scene and picked up the explosives. "Chlorine?" "Dad! Dad! Api's acting up!!"

"Huh?" Mechamato got a hold of himself and flew back to his son's aid. "Son! Breathe in now!" Placing an oxygen mask over the fire elemental's mouth, Amato frantically tried to shake a blacking out Blaze awake, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Mysterio got up and laughed. "Just like I envisioned. The strong will always remain weak at their weakest link! Now, prepare to die!" Clenching his fists, he menacingly advanced to his rival, sputtering out a series of profanities.

Knowing what would happen next, Kingston ran in and held his father in place. "Father... please stop..."

"Why? Don't you want them killed? Go away!" Mysterio managed to shake his son's grip and threw him onto the ground.

"Father! Father!! Stop! I bullied them first! It is all on me! And stop please. He has cancer..."

With that, everyone fell silent.

"Let's go father..." Kingston got up and left, followed closely by his father and teammates.


The ice elemental just stared into blank space. Cancer? What was that? Was that he said real? Why did he not know about it?

A myriad of questions bombarded Ice's mind. He was at a loss, not knowing what to do. Before his eyes, he could only see flashes of actions behind a clod of tears. Why? Why hasn't Blaze told him truthfully? What has Blaze done so wrong to deserve this? 

"Oniichan, hang on! The ambulance is coming!" 

"Quick! Carry him up!"

"Blaze bear with it for a moment!"

All Ice could do then was to sit and pray as he watched his siblings and father rushing Blaze up the ambulance. He dropped to his knees.


The sickening noise of the heart machine still buzzed on.

Was that the end?


"I'm gonna to cry..."

"Why must love always end like this?"

"B-blaze... I- love y-yo-u..." ~ Ice


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