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Thomas POV

Jemmy and I were just cuddling on the couch when I got a text.

French Baguette : Bonjour thomas have u heard about alexs scandal
MacaroniMan : wdym
FB : john admitted to being with alex at the same time he was with Eliza
MM : wtf why would he admit to it tho
FB : dunno guess he just felt guilty

"Woah" I said abruptly.
"What happened?" James asked.
"Looks like Alex got snitched on. John admitted to everything."
"Geez, do ya think it was because of yesterday?"
"Maybe, but he's reputation is probably non-existent at this point."
"I wonder how Eliza feels.. It must suck"

After a cup of coffee I decided to head out to the courtyard by myself. I spotted Eliza and Alexander sitting under a tree. I decided to eavesdrop because what can I say? I'm curious okay?

"You're telling me you were with John the whole time?!" Eliza yelled.
"Yes..." He said shamefully while tapping keys on his laptop, refusing to look at her.
"Can you even look at me?! Do you know how hurt I am? When were you planning to tell me?" She stood up and crossed her arms.
"I don't know, okay!" He slammed his laptop shut "I fell out of love okay? I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to hate me."
"And cheating on me would make you like me more? Ugh why do I even bother?"
"John was the better kisser..." he muttered.
"You're so immature you idiot! I hope that you burn!" She smacked him in the face and stormed off back into the dorm area.

I quickly followed Eliza as she went to cry under the stairs.

"Eliza? Are you okay?" I asked.
"Do I look okay to you?! I can't believe him, ugh." She retorted. "Sorry, I'm just really mad and sad all at the same time." She wiped her tears with her sleeve.
"It's alright, I would be mad too. Alexander is just a bastard, it's gonna be okay." I patted her shoulder as she rested her head on my lap and started full on ugly crying. "Let it out."
"I-it's just I th-thought I could trust h-him. It's my fault."
"No no, honey it's not your fault, you can't control how someone feels."
"D-do you think I'll ever move o-on?"
"Of course! He didn't deserve you anyway."
"T-thanks for the pep talk."
"Anytime. Do you want to head to my dorm and hang out?"
"I just need some time by myself, thanks for the offer." She waved goodbye and smiled at me, I smiled back.

I just feel really bad, I knew Alexander was bad and I always had suspicions about him and Laurens but I didn't expect that. What a prick?!

Hope ya'll enjoyed this, next chapter will be out tomorrow!

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