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Thomas POV

Ugh I got out of bed, it was 9am already? I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed and checked my social media. No messages what a surprise, of course apart of thirst DMs. I know I'm dangerously hot and all but sometimes I wish I was on the down-low.

I got out of my room and grabbed a cup of coffee when I see James sitting there on the sofa on his phone. He kinda looked cute not gonna lie. But I knew he probably just saw me as a player, a lot of people do but that's not necessarily me. I mean I am a bit of a flirt I can't deny that but the truth is I haven't even been in a 'real' relationship before. He didn't know much about me or even this town so maybe I could try to get him to see me in a different light.

"Sup Jemmy" I said
"Hey- wait Jemmy?" He looked confused.
"Your nickname, I thought it fit you better."
"Well okay Tommy" he giggled.
I sat down with him and started sipping on my coffee.
"Did you meet anyone on campus yet?" I asked.
"Hm, well I met John Laurens he seemed nice, also some dude supposedly named Alex, he isn't exactly the best."
"Well no shit it's Alexander Hamilton he is the worst."
"Why do you say that?"
"He's arrogant, annoying, cocky and stubborn."
"He kinda sounds like you." He laughed.
"What? No. Well, maybe but even then I'm way better than that douchebag."
"What happened between you two?"
"It's a long story but whatever you do try not to talk to him or even come in close proximity of him"
"You must really hate him, huh?"
"Sworn enemies if you will"
"I met him the same time as John I'm pretty sure he wasn't the happiest when I saw him, he just stumbled into me on my way to the building and got really pissed. His friend seemed nice enough."
"Oh, John right. I heard this rumour that he is dating Eliza but is cheating on her with John, again what a douchebag. If you haven't noticed, he isn't a good person whatsoever."
"I mean maybe you just need to get to know him?"
"Hah, don't make me laugh, trust me you don't want to talk to this guy."
"If you say so"
"Want to head to Starbucks with me? This coffee is kinda lousy anyway."
"Sure, I haven't really explored the area yet."

I went to change in my room and then all of a sudden the door opened-
"Like what you see?" I remark, I was shirtless but I had my pants on.
"OH- Sorry Thomas I just walked in to check if you were ready and I didn't know-"
"Haha, you can leave now, unless you want to stay?"
"Yup, I'mma go."
He was red in the face and embarrassed, kinda adorable though.

I just put on a magenta hoodie with dark jeans and walked out of my room.
James was standing there wearing a black coloured full sleeve shirt that was plain with grey sweatpants.

"Should we go?" I asked.
It was like an unofficial date, it wasn't a date but I like to believe it's a date.

I strolled along the pathway outside to the car park and unlocked my black car, it was just a Toyota that was somewhat modern-ish.
"You can come in, if you want to that is."
"Alright, let's go"

As we drove past the buildings I saw James' face light up, he stared out the window like a child going on a road trip. I just smiled at him.

"Here we are" I got out of the car and so did James, we strolled into the starbucks and went up to the counter.

"Bonjour! Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you?" Lafayette said with a heavy French accent.
"Hey Laf, it's been a while." I replied.
"Oh, you know him?" James asked.
"Yeah, I met him a while ago when I was in France, by the way you never told me you were moving here?"
"Oui, I just arrived a month or so ago I never got the chance. Also, I'm going to need your orders." He responded.
"Right, a grande iced caramel latte for me." I ordered "What about you?" I asked James.
"Just a tall iced tea." He told him.
"Alright, so Thomas.." He wrote my name on a cup. "Your friend?"
"Jame-" Before he could finish his sentance I interrupted him.
"Why?" He whispered.
I just giggled in response.

We both sat down and after a while got our drinks.

"Hm, you and that Lafayette guy kinda look like you could be long lost twins." James remarked.
"Haha yeah." We did look extremely similar...
We talked for a while about our aspirations and stuff it was going pretty smoothly.
"We'd better get back now." James said.
"Well, I must say you are more of a conversationalist than I thought Jemmy."
"I just might surprise you."

We went back to our dorm and I kind of just chilled around in my room scrolling through Tumblr. I couldn't stop thinking about James, but he would never like someone like me.

Aye so another actual chapter in one day, wow. It's getting pretty spicy now. Well anyways bye! Part 3 coming soon tomorrow.

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