Fricking Alex

300 13 4

James POV

I was about to get to my Art Class when someone jerks my arm and pulls me into the janitor's closet.

"Listen up here James" It was Hamilton "This whole mess is your fault"
"And how exactly?"
"If you hadn't been such a wimp, John wouldn't have broken up with me and told Eliza about us, think twice before you try that again."
"Dude, it was a cause of something you did plus everyone was bound to find out anyway, I'll be on my way now"
"Not yet" He was about to swing a punch at me when I heard a voice.

"Well if it isn't Hamiltrash" Thomas waltzed in "What did I tell you about bothering Jemmy and I?"
"As if I give a f*uck-"
"Hm, I'm sure the whole school would just love to know what you and Maria Reynolds were up to last night~"
"You wouldn't dare-"
"Sweetie, trust me I would"
"You're the worst Jeffershit"
"Alexander, I suggest you leave. We wouldn't want any 'accidents' to happen now would we?" He scurried out of the room leaving me and Thomas in alone.

"Is everything okay Jemmy? Did he hurt you?" He spoke in a worried tone.
"I'm fine, it was no big deal"
"It's a big deal to me, don't let Hamiltrash bother you, he is a natural born dick."
"You didn't have to help you know.. I was okay on my own"
"He was about to punch you, I'm not letting anyone hurt my Jemmy" He wrapped his arms around me.
"Thomas I have to go to class!"
"Fiinneee" he let go "Be careful" he smiled sweetly at me.

I was about to head to class again when Burr and Alexander stopped.
"Hey, my friend Alexander didn't mean anything-" Burr started.
"I'm not your friend! I did mean-"
"Like I said he didn't mean it" Burr looked at Alex in a "shut the f*ck up" way. "Didn't you Alex?" he started to look nervous.
"Uhm.. okay?" I said as I strolled into class.

Time skip to back in the dorm

"Hai James!" Thomas said.
"Hey Thomas, is it just me or is something off?"
"What do you mean?"
"Alexander and Burr came up to me again and somewhat apologized? I mean I just don't get it"
"Well I mean at least he's trying"
"Jemmy" he smirked at me "Is it okay if I try something"
"Uh- sure"
He plonked one of his hoodies on me. It was magneta with the word "Too Fabulous" on it. Get ya'lls minds out of the gutter.
"Oh my god" he had a sparkle in his eyes. "You're so cute!"
"Shut up!" It was way to big for someone as small as me but it was comfy I'll admit. He sneakily took a photo and shoved his phone in my face.
"New wallpaper, hehe" He looked at me smugly.
"I hate you Tommy."
"I love you too Jemmy"

We sat down on the couch and I layed my head in his lap.

Sorry for the new messy schedule, I hope it's still okay lol. New chapter coming soon.

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