Moving in

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James POV

I'm James Madison, your typically guy. I have big dreams and ambitions ahead of me. I just moved into *insert fake town name* I'm lazy sorry ;3; It's going to be my first day and I'll admit I'm a little scared. I don't do so well at big places. I'm surprised I even got in but it's all thanks to the scholarship I guess.

I stepped out of the cab and saw it drive off in the distance. I placed my bags down beside me. "Woah" I whispered to myself. The place was huge it was practically towering over me! Suddenly I feel someone bumping into me.
"Watch where you're going!" He yelled at me angrily.
"S-sorry" I apologized "I was just caught up by the scenery and all-"
"Oh Alex, stop I think you might be scaring him" A soft voice said "The name's John Laurens, it's pretty great here huh?"
"Yeah it-" 'Alex' cut me off.
"Let's just go John"
"I'll see ya around!" He said one last time before getting dragged by Alex.

I walked up to the door and was greeted by a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. She wore a pale blue dress with a white collar on it.
"Hello! I'm Elizabeth Schuyler, I suppose you're looking for your dorm keys."
"Yup, I'm James Madison."
"Alright" She scanned through a list of names in a check book. "Dorm 309, you're roommate is already waiting for you." She tossed me my keys and I could barely just clasp them in my hands.
"Thanks!" I replied.
"It's kinda my job but no problem."

I quickly rushed up the stairs to my dorm. Please don't be Alex, please don't be Alex... Surprise it wasn't Alex thankfully. I glanced over to the kitchen part of the room and saw someone cooking instant mac and cheese. His curly hair bounced up and down as he slowly churned the mac and cheese. He turned around to look at me.
"Hey, you good there?" He asked.
I hadn't realized how long I was standing in the door frame.
"Oh- yeah, should I come in?"
"Well it is your dorm too" He giggled.

He wore a magenta t-shirt with the words "Dress to Impress" written in glitter cursive writing and jeans. "I can't exactly eat all this mac and cheese by myself, do you want some?"
"Oh, sure!"
We both sat down and started eating the instant mac and cheese.
"I'm Thomas Jefferson, what's you name?"
"James Madison.
"So... where are you from?" He asked.
"Oh just a small place out of here yanno."
"I knew I didn't recognize you from here."
"Yeah it's kinda crazy I'm even here at all."
"Hey, do you know what me and this mac have in common?"
"We are both irresistible!" Thomas said as he flipped his hair around.
"Pfft" I accidentally snorted obnoxiously.
We both bursted out laughing.
We both walked up to one of the rooms.
"Oh no it appears there is only one bed-" He said dramatically.
"Just kidding" he patted me on the back "My room is back there" Thomas pointed to a room opposite to mine.
"Haha" I laughed nervously.
"I'm gonna go head out you can unpack your thing if you want."
"Sure, bye."

I unpacked my things and changed out of my clothes into something more comfy. I put on a grey-blue hoodie, sweatpants and flopped onto my bed.
This is gonna be one heck of a year.

That's the first chapter sorry if it's not as interesting since it's just an intro but yeah hope you enjoyed that mess. Bye!

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