Burr, sir?

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Thomas POV

James and I had just gotten back from our date when I heard a knock at the door.
"I'll get it" I approached the door to find Aaron Burr and Alexander
"Hey" Burr said.
"Ugh, what do you two want?"
"Listen Alexander apologizes..." he was reading off his hand "Alex this part is smudged-"
"Just let me do it." He pushed Aaron aside. "I'm sorry I was just bored and I didn't think it would actually hurt you or whatever."
"What a surprise Alex apologising? That's new" I laughed "You shouldn't say sorry to me, James is right over there." I pointed to inside.
"Uh-huh" he invited himself in and walked towards James "Hello?"
"Ah!" James got startled. "Why are you here?" He crossed his arms.
"I just came to let you know I'm sorry for what I did, appreciate this once in a life time occurrence."
"I'll think about it." He replied.
"You don't have to accept it anyway." he walked out the door and I heard the two of them talking on their way out.
"See Burr I actually did it." Alex said.
"You're just lucky to have a friend like me or you'd be f*cked." He laughed.
"Oh shut up."
"At least you're trying to get better"

I thought of Hamiltrash actually being pretty decent, like that would ever happen.

"That was weird" James remarked.
"Maybe he isn't such a bad guy after all" I said.
"I'm still suspicious"

Sorry this chapter is kinda short. I was thinking of not doing one because I was busy but I thought I might as well get something out. A new longer chapter coming tomorrow.

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