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hi i'm sorry i'm so lazy and have a bit of writers block so this took a few days BUT i went to work the other day and it was gross i don't wanna go ever again oops


the school day had gone by fast, luke hardly focusing in class. all he could think of was han. the boy was his now, and he had no idea how he could get such a perfect boyfriend.

han sat with him at lunch, along with lando who decided he wanted to truly meet luke. it made him laugh, but he was happy han had such a true friend. "i can't believe you're the person who made han stop stealing, and stop being a dickhead." the boy laughed as he spoke. everything he would say was just a mean joke, which made him slightly question the true friend thing.

"shut up, lando, you'll scare him away." luke had giggled at that, giving his boyfriend's hand a small squeeze. lando made gagging noises but was smiling overall.

that was earlier, now the two of them were walking out of school. "are you sure you have to go home?" luke pouted, head leaning on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"i do, i'm sorry, but i haven't been home in a while and i definitely need to go back." luke wanted nothing more for the boy to just move into the castle, they had enough rooms, but he knew it was way too early and weird a question. luke realised he was overthinking it and looked up at han.

they were now leaving school grounds, and han's house was the other way from the castle. "okay, i'll see you tomorrow?" han nodded, giving the smaller boy a kiss on the lips and forehead before walking off.

when luke finally arrived at the castle, he found leia sitting at their tree. the boy had to pause for a second, an sudden overwhelming sadness going through him. he missed his sister, he could admit that. the girl heard him coming and let out a small, but obviously sad 'oh'.

luke took a few moments to start moving again, slowly sitting down next to the girl. she tensed, stopping her work. they sat in silence, both of them awkwardly looking at the grass. luke finally spoke up.

"i miss you, leia. i know i've been pushing you away, but you're my twin sister and we can't live like this. but i don't know if i can ever forgive you, even if i'm being dramatic." he turned to look at the girl, finding her still focused on the grass as if it were the most interesting thing she'd ever seen.

the boy just got up again, leaving her with his words. he was realising how stupid everything right now was. i'm really just stuck in a stupid teenage romance movie, am i? he laughed at the thought.


"luke? luke, wake up." he groaned, opening his eyes slightly to just close them again. whoever was shaking him groaned, "you are very annoying for your deep sleeping, my love." his eyes shot open at that.

han was standing over him. he was slightly blurry due to the boy being extremely tired, but he knew it was han. "what are you doing here? how did you even get in?" he just earned a chuckle in response, feeling his bed dip and shake as han climbed in.

"i kinda got kicked out, the people here know who i am." luke turned around to face han, trying to make out his face in the darkness. "cuddle me, prince." he scoffed, but snuggled up to the boy instantly.

they laid there for a few minutes before luke broke the silence, "d'you wanna stay here? forever, i mean." he didn't get a reply instantly, so he assumed the boy had fallen asleep. but han suddenly gave him a kiss on the lips, perfectly he might add even though it was pitch black.

"i'd love to, if your father allows it."

"he would, and if not then i'll reason with him. i would not let him throw you out on the streets." han let out a soft laugh and wrapped his arms tighter around his boyfriend. they both fell asleep immediately after that.


luke woke up confused, taking a few seconds to remember what had happened earlier. he felt han's breathing on his forehead as the boy slept. he tried his best not to move, thinking that han would need the sleep. he woke up not that long after though.

"are you okay?" luke asked him when he knew he was awake, "i mean, if you want to answer that. i just.. want to make sure."

"i don't know, but i'll be okay. i have you." he felt himself blush, leaning into his boyfriend more. they cuddled for a while longer until someone knocked in his door. luke groaned loudly but told them to come in.

leia opened the door, instantly looking over at han. "i was told someone came in last night, i knew it would be him. does father know?"

"not yet. let me tell him, okay?"

"i'm not an idiot," she rolled her eyes then paused, "anymore." han chuckled at this, letting out a yawn as she turned around to leave. "oh, also, breakfast is ready." she shut the door after that, leaving the two alone.

luke manoeuvred so he could look at his boyfriend, smiling as han reached over to push his hair behind his ears. "you need a haircut." he had entirely forgotten about such a thing, feeling his hair for himself. "i like it, though." this caused the smaller boy to grin as he kissed han long and passionately on the lips.

it took them a few minutes to finally leave the bed, luke groaning at the loss of warmth and comfort.


i'm stopping at a weird place because i'm like that 😳 and i don't like going too far past 1000 words. also i don't know if anyone cares but i have a oneshot book with it and stranger things ships (+ more) and i'd love for more people to read it 🥺 ok bye sorry if there's any dumb mistakes i stg i nearly wrote 'focused' instead of 'confused' at one point so i don't know what else is there

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