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part one
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that's the moral of the story

PRISCILLA HAZELLthat's the moral of the story

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"Baby wake up." Priscilla's mom said pushing her shoulder lightly. Priscilla moaned and flipped on her side away from her mom. "Stop." She complained snuggling back into her bed. "Cmon. You have to go to school." Her mom said sweetly brushing her hair back. But Priscilla didn't move.

"Ok. Get your lazy ass up." Her mom yelled slapping her on the back of her head. "Ow." Priscilla yelped, holding her head as she sat up to see her mom waving as she exited her room. "Ugh." She moaned getting out of bed and heading to her bathroom.

"Have a shower!" Her mom yelled from downstairs, as if she could see her. Priscilla obeyed and had a shower. Then getting ready for her school day, wearing a cropped top as her school was relaxed about dress code.

"Hey papa

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"Hey papa." Priscilla greeted, kissing him on his cheek. "Hey mija." Her Mexican father replied as she sat down at the table. "Thanks, Mama." She said as her mom gave her a plate of food. They all ate in silence until her father spoke up.

"Mija, where are you going after school today?" Her father asked as he looked up from his phone. She looked up to see him looking at her, "nothing." She replied shrugging. Except homework she really has nothing to do on a Monday afternoon. "Do you want to come to Passaic after your school finishes?" He asked.

"Que?" She asked, mouth wide open. Her father always says she cannot go to his school as the boys are not good enough to see her. "I have things to bring home and I need help." He explained. Priscilla thought about it and nodded her head. "Ok, Papa. I'll come after school." She said as she stood up, kissing his cheek again. "Adiós mija." Her parents said as she walked out the door, to walk to her school.

" Her parents said as she walked out the door, to walk to her school

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"Wake up, Pri." Priscilla's friend Natalie whisper-yelled pushing her slightly. Priscilla jumped up in urgency looking around her, making her friend laugh. "Shut up." She groaned putting her head back on the desk again. Natalie rolled her eyes, "You might want to wake up, schools over." She explained.

"Huh?" She asked looking up properly now to see that no one was in the class. "Thanks, Nat. I gotta dash." She explained grabbing her bag and running out of the classroom to get on her way to her fathers school.

" She explained grabbing her bag and running out of the classroom to get on her way to her fathers school

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