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╔.★. .═════════════╗ 
part eighteen
╚═════════════. .★.╝



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"Are you sure that there would be something in here," I asked Natalie again, as we scoured the room rapidly. She nodded as she opened one of the desks draws pulling out everything in it, but trying not to make an obvious mess in the room. "I mean no offence if he can cheat and no one knows he must do more behind your back." Melanie shrugged from the bookshelf.

I hummed in response and continued my search in my dad's office for more evidence. "Your dad has a lot of chipotle cards," Natalie observed from her position. Melanie and I chorally turned over to look at the girl who was still sifting through his things. "Yeah. That's great to know." I sassed, was walking over to the door.

The silence in the room allowed me to hear steps walking over to the office from the stairs. "Shit. Nat, Mel someone's coming!" I whisper-yelled to them. They froze in their space and I ushered them over to the wardrobes where we squeezed in. "Fuck," Mel whispered as we all attempted to fit in. I leaned forward to pull the door shut being us just as someone walked in.

"Hey. No one is here you can speak now." My mom's voice purred from outside the wardrobe door, as she closed my dad's office door behind her. A moment passed, while we tried to stay as silent as possible. "I know. We will have to tell Priscilla soon. She isn't stupid she will find out." She replied to the person on the other end.

I mean she couldn't be talking to my dad right? But who else would she have tell me something with? I felt a push on my back, when I looked back I saw Nat gesturing back at the door. "I can't keep lying to her! How do I tell her the last two years of her life has been a lie?" She began to yell to the person on the call.

"What the fuck?" I said out of instinct, but covering my mouth just after I said it but it was too late now. "One second. I'll call you back." my mom said concerningly before the sound of the door opening. My eyes hesitantly looked up to meet those of my mothers, her eyes widening right away.

"What? What are you doing in there?" She questioned, her eyes scooping over us three. I watched her lip sit between her two teeth, apprehensively. "Don't act innocent." Natalie snapped at her, crossing her arms. Mel and I gasped at her, watching as she stormed past my mom to the door. "You coming ?" She questioned nonchalantly.

"I'm not staying here." I ranted rushing around the room picking up clothes and things I need on the daily. "I would offer you to stay at mine, but my auntie is using the guest room." Melanie sighed, giving me some clothes. "Same, my brother is staying in my room cause he broke his bed, Fatass," Nat added into the conversation. I sighed in a sense of panic of where I would go. "It's ok," I assured them with a fake smile.

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