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part ten
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can't stop staring at

PRISCILLA HAZELLcan't stop staring at

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"I'm going now, baby." My mom said to me as she leaned over the back of the sofa to kiss me on the cheek. I nodded and put another orange piece in my mouth. "Bye mama." I smiled as she headed out to the garage. As soon as I heard the car drive off I leaned over to the table to text Mattia.

Just as I got the text that he was on his way over, a knock was placed on my front door. "Mattia?" I asked as I got to the door. I heard a muffled 'who else?' so I opened the door to him. "Hey, Pris." He greeted me as he stepped in to my house. He towered above me and even taking his shoes of didn't add height.

"Can we chill in your room?" He asked as he turned back to face me again. I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms which didn't help seeing it just pushed my boobs up. "If you trying do the nasty, you can chill in jail." He snorted and shook his head before heading up the stairs.

"Hey, I mean it." I said as I walked into my room where he was already sitting on the bed his legs stretched out. I rolled my eyes and took a seat by my pillows. "I guess, you could make your self at home." I remark sarcastically before flipping on my side. "Sorryyyy." He dragged out as he put a hand over my body.

"No." I snapped while slapping his hand, he groaned and sat up looking around like a lost puppy. "Netflix?" I asked him before handing him the tv remote. He took it and put some tv show on while I closed my eyes. "Are you tired?" He asked me while the show played on, I shook my head and pointed to it. "Migraines." I huffed and turned back towards him.

He nods before biting his lip for a while, as he flicked his eyes over to me. He did their for a minute or so before opening the arm closest out. "What?" I asked gesturing to the arm, eyebrows creased. He huffed and beckoned me. oh. Oh. He wanted me to hug him? Or lay with him?

"Better?" He asked as I lay on his chest, his arm around me. I nod into his shirt and pay attention to the TV to see kung fu panda was playing. "Oh god. Are you eight?" I laugh shaking my head, which hurt so I quickly hissed. "Be careful." He whispered as he patted my head lovingly. "I'm not a dog." I growled before leaning into him more.

"You like Uzi?" He asks in shock as I sit on my kitchen counter eating cheez-its as Mattia sat on one of the stools

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"You like Uzi?" He asks in shock as I sit on my kitchen counter eating cheez-its as Mattia sat on one of the stools. I woke up about an hour ago to see I was asleep on Mattia and he was too, now here we are eating on the counter. "Duh. And Carti. Damn only if they were friends tho." I sighed.

We sat in silence for a couple seconds, for god knows why until I looked up to see Mattia looking at me with his jaw open wide. "What?" I asked, looking around to prove a point. He continued for a couple seconds then shook his head a couple times. "Nevermind, Nevermind." He stuttered standing up.

"So what we gonna do now?" I asked as he came over to stand next to me. He looked around and shrugged before straining his neck to see the clock on the kitchen wall. "Oh shit my school gets out in like 30 minutes." He told me turning back to me. "So your dad will be home soon, huh?" He asked fake pouting and batting his eyelashes.

Stupid ass. I shook my head, "Nah, practice so probably 2 hours from now," I explained. "So as long as your gone by then." I joked patting his cheek. But his eyebrows raised up. "You dad don't know i'm here?" He asked, looking at me intrigued. I shook my head, of course not. Why would I tell him that? Oh dad by the way I'm inviting a boy from your soccer team to our house while no one is there.

"So i'm your little secret?" He asked while moving to stand in between my legs. I snorted while pretending to look him up and down. "Your way to big to try be kept a secret." His mouth dropped open, making me laugh obnoxiously. "I'm joking. But my dad will go loco if he knew." I explained. He shook his head and smirked. "So imagine if I told your dad."


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