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part fourteen
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but you did this for what

PRISCILLA HAZELL but you did this for what

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mattia hey did you get home ok?

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hey did you get home ok?

yeah, i'm in my room

did you tell your mom yet?

she's not home rn

you seem on edge
do you need me to come

i'm just nervous
i don't want my dad to
come home

he left about an hour
ago, so i don't know

he's probably out with
that hoe he was kissing

i'm sorry btw
i know i didn't do
it, but that's really
shitty for him to do

i know
thanks mattia

don't even worry about it
i owe you anyways for
ignoring you

well yeah you did
why though?

your dad told us that if
anyone speaks to you we
are off the team.

ignore him.

i definitely will
from now on

i'm tired.
imma go sleep
it's been a fucking
long day man

go to sleep, pri
i'll speak to
you tomorrow

bye tia 💓

I yawned again turning over on my left, again

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I yawned again turning over on my left, again. I texted Mattia goodnight about and hour ago but I couldn't sleep. I was waiting for my father to come home, I knew he was with her. But I felt unsafe sleeping in the house with him in it. My mom hasn't even returned yet and it was 11 pm, so if my dad got home it would be me and him.

A loud ding brought me out of my thoughts, my eyes looked over at my phone to see a text from my mother. It read, 'I'm staying at Elaine's tonight. If you don't want to stay home I can come get you if you want to.' I smiled at the thought of her being safe and comfortable with her best friend. I replied with 'Its all good.'

I stood up and walked over to lock my door to my room. I don't want to see it. "Let's play music" I said to myself. I put on some music and let my mind wander away with the lyrics. I really hated my dad right now, but should I tell my mom? Bitch, tf I'm kidding of course I will. After the song ended and it went silent in my room, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"I'm not talking to you." I yelled out to him, once I heard the footsteps cease outside my door. "Honey, let me explain." He said softly, I knew what he was doing but I didn't trust him. "No dad. I saw what I saw. You kissed another woman behind ma's back. I'm done with you and when she comes home I'm telling her." I told him, with nothing but anger in my voice.

"Do you really want to do that? You would ruin our family." He told me through the door. I would ruin the family? This guy had some nerve. My anger led me to my door and I pulled it open. "I would ruin this family? Don't put that on me. I'm telling ma whether you like it or not. Because guess what. I wasn't the one who kissed someone else, I wasn't the one who cheated. That was you, you done the wrong. And news flash bitch, your gonna pay for it." I screamed in his face.

For a moment he said nothing but his arms crossed over his chest. But then a smirk came over his face, "Don't act innocent. Do you think I don't know about Mattia?" He asked slyly. I rolled my eyes, well it's not like i cheated on my partner with him. "And?" I asked leaning against my door. "Do you know what Mattia is doing after he finishes High School?" He asked.

I shook my head obviously not, we just became friends. "He's going to Princeton." He told me. Ok, what does this have to do with him cheating. "Now I assume that you care about him regardless of how long ago you met him. If you tell your mother, I'll make sure he doesn't graduate and therefore no Princeton for him." He smirked while laughing.

This guy had turned into a evil bitch. I mean my mom obviously meant more to me than anyone else. But could I compromise someone's life like that, ruining it? "Well I'm still telling her. I like Mattia but mom means more to me." He sighed and shook his head. "I didn't want to have to do this but ok. I'll make sure you and Mattia don't graduate. I'll do whatever I have to do. I love your mom and i'm not letting you mess it up for me. Goodnight." He announced before turning to his room.

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