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╔.★. .═════════════╗ 
part eight
╚═════════════. .★.╝

bad ass bitch


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I PULLED HIS HAND just until we reached behind the bleachers, befitting letting it go. "What was that?" He asked breathlessly, wiping his hand against his shorts. "I just needed to leave and you just so happened to be my way out." I huffs crossing my arms under my chest, making my boobs push up out of the crop top.

"Oh, ok." He nods, giving a tight lipped smile and then came the awkward silence. I rocked back and forth on my heel looking anyway but the boy in front of me. "Can I have your uh- number?" He asked after a minute wiping the back of his neck shyly. "No." I respond as a joke, but with a serious face. I watch his face crumble slightly then he swallows loudly.

"Ok." He said in a quite voice, he points over his shoulder then looks as if he is about to walk such way. "I'm joking!" Iaughed, pushing his arm lightly while holding my hand out. He placed his phone in my hand unlocked and I put my contact in his phone. "Here." I say handing it back to him. "You coming to our next soccer match?" He asked, looking down at me.

"If your gonna be there, tyson fury." He rolls his eyes and looks down at his hand regretfully. "Yeah probably not the best idea to come, Im probably excluded for 2 days maybe?" He blushed. I wonder why he hit that guy. They seemed to have had history. "Mhm k." I scoffed turning and walking to my dads office.

"Where you going?" He yells after me I don't even turn back around. "We still have time to talk babe." He flirts, I can hear the smirk practically. Just as he finished his sentence the bell rang for last period and he groaned. "Bye Priscilla."



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@ polybioh: that's not me

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@ polybioh: that's not me.

@ polybioh: it best not be me

@ alejandrodejesus: for real did you see his blush

@ hirokaysen: bruh. i can't that's it

@ alejandrodejesus: don't be stealing my phrase

@ lenaallison: awww ❤️

@ hirokaysen: oopsies

@ user1: that's how he hiding his hair now huh?

@ user2: does anyone wanna be friends 👉👈🥺

@ hirokaysen: lol no

@ polybioh: y'all lucky she ain't on here

@ lenaallison: huh? what did you say

teachers daughter (mattia polibio)Where stories live. Discover now