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part fifteen
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i don't really care cause i'm done

before this chapter starts some people have been leaving rude comments about some people in this book

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before this chapter starts some people have been leaving rude comments about some people in this book. this is all fiction and i believe everyone involved in this book are good people and don't deserve hate at all. If i see any offensive comments towards anyone regarding looks, personality or anything i will remove it or in some cases block you from reading the story. just take people's feelings into consideration! thanks babes


"I saw you speaking to Priscilla on Friday." Alejandro said, once he reached the table with some other boys from soccer. I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Where were you hiding to see that?" I asked him jokingly trying to avoid the subject. Alejandro mocked my laugh and took te spare seat in front of me.

"Nah for real. I thought you weren't gonna speak to her." He told me bringing up the subject once more. This story could only involve me telling them about Pri's dad but I didn't want to spread her buisness like that. "Yeah we sorted it out, she spoke to coach he said it's all good." I lied through my teeth, shrugging eating my food. The boys who were listening nodded and went back to eating again. Except Kairi and Ale who looked at me like I was lying; well I was. Kairi shoved me and pointed down at his phone. I pulled it out and saw his text message.

alejandro i heard your conversation i was hiding so you didn't see me 😈

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i heard your conversation
i was hiding so you didn't
see me 😈

ok then...
anywho what happened
with her dad bruh

he cheated on her mom
and i told her what he
told us all

he really a piece
of shit huh


how's she holding up
i mean she can't really
be ok tho

yeh she wasn't good
when i was talking to
her on friday

and now?


are u on your dumb
bitch shit again

he's always on it

she hasn't texted me
i texted her a couple
times but then i thought
maybe she needed space

do girls ever want space

no, but maybe this time

i might go to her school
once we finish early

we aren't finishing
early today tho

lemme rephrase for him
he's finish early today

you can come

sure i have science
anyways so who gives
a shit

lemme get registered then
i'll meet you just before
last period.

cool baby
just keep it quite

mattiacool babyjust keep it quite

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"Hello ma'am. I'm Priscilla Hazell's cousin and her dad was just put into hospital. I'm here to tell her is that ok?" I lied to the woman on the reception at Priscilla's school. Alejandro and Kairi stayed in the car so it was less suspicious. Her face softened and she shook her head. "Oh darling. Lemme see where she is." She told me before typing on her computer.

After she told me where she was I made my way through her school to her classroom. When I got to the door I knocked on it before opening wide open. "Sorry to disturb you ma'am but I've been sent from reception to get Priscilla Hazell." I said as politely as I possibly could. My eyes wandered over to Priscilla who was looking down at the table.

The teacher nodded and let Priscilla leave the class. She grabbed her bag and walked past the rest of her classmates. I noticed one of the girls at the front stick her leg out for Pri to slip over and fall. "Hey. You why is your foot sticking out?" I announced with no second thought. The girl turned red and pulled her foot back slowly laughing with her friends by then Priscilla was walking out the door.

"What are you doing?" She asked once we left the school. I kept walking obviously, but she stopped and crossed her arms frustrated. "No seriously. You can't take me out of school and not tell me?" She huffed stomping her foot like a baby. Aww that's so cute I thought in my head. "I want you to speak to me. I wanted to see if your ok. I was- I was worried about you..." I admitted looking away.

Her eyes softened and she giggled, she pointed at me jokingly. "You have a soft spot for me, Polibio." She laughed, walking again. I chuckled along with her watching her hair blow in the wind almost unrealistically. "Maybe I do?" I semi-joked putting my arm around her as I opened the car door. Alejandro spun around from the drivers seat and Kairi from the passengers.

"Hey." She greeted as she got in the car. Alejandro and Kairi smirked at one another. "Good to finally meet you." She added on sitting down and smiling at me unsure. I nodded in reassurance, "You to, Priscilla." Kairi said smiling at her. "You too, Kairi and Alejandro right?" Priscilla blushed, lightly putting her seatbelt in. "So what happened?" I asked as we all looked at her.

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